Paulo Costa aggressive male pattern baldness

Doesnt finasteride fuck with hormones or something?


Finasteride can give you side effects such as not being able to get an erection (impotence) and having less interest in sex. These side effects usually pass after a while. If these side effects do not go away, are worrying you or affecting your sex life, speak to your doctor.


So they say. I don’t need those problems lol.


If this is the fucking doctor doing the transplant, the state of his hair doesn’t foster a lot of confidence in the procedure. image


I just found out I may need trt and was worried my hair may thin. I dgaf, I can be the bald dude but I cant be the impotent guy.


I’ve taken test for 11 years. On and off. I was due to be bald anyway. I remember it was 11,700.00 for 2600 grafts. FUE. I’m more than happy with the results. Although I’m thinking of a follow up procedure. Which my dr said could be necessary since I was bald as hell. Even if I went back for another 1,000.00 grafts it would only be 4,500.00. But overall it looks great.

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Derek More Plates More Dates is a expert on this subject

I’ve been taking Fin for about a year and still get hard lol. That was the thing I was hesitant about when I thought about taking it. Luckily I wasn’t bald at all, just trying to prevent it happening now that I’m 37. I feel the same as I did before I started taking it

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It can. My estrogen spiked out of control and I grew tits. Had to get surgery to get them removed.


Got damn!

I know someone damn near impotent for life from taking finasteride. He says he can still get it up but it is difficult and has to use Viagra or some shit.

Everyone is affected differently some more than others obviously.


Pics or GTFO


Wow his hair looks like shit now. I got balding in my 20s cause Im a high T naturally jacked Chad. Just keep it buzzed super short.

Costa is a gayboy obsessed with his appearance though lol, like a fuckin woman.