Penn returns from retirement, eyes Fw title

MMA: BJ Penn Tells The MMA Hour He’s Coming Out of Retirement with Coach Greg Jackson; Eyeing UFC Featherweight Title
MMA: BJ Penn Tells The MMA Hour He’s Coming Out of Retirement with Coach Greg Jackson; Eyeing UFC Featherweight Title (via Phone Post 3.0

McGregor would murder him at this point Phone Post 3.0

I really don't see this going well for BJ. I hope I'm wrong...

I'm excited to see him back Phone Post 3.0

WAR PENN!!! 2017 fw champ Phone Post 3.0

Imagine if he DOES win his return fight in impressive fashion. It's worth a shot for him And for the ufc. Might be unlikely, but if he does, mcgregor vs Penn would be monumental in main stream media Phone Post 3.0

Fuck man Penn at a REAL camp could be amazing. Especially one of jacksons caliber. If anyone can fix him it's that camp. Might be too little too late though. This should've happens 5 years ago. Phone Post 3.0

I want to believe.

If you know me m, you know I do.



Aww, fuck it. Hana Hou. Phone Post 3.0

Odds of that are about as good as me winning Powerball but you know damn well I'll be tuning in

155 BJ wtf!!!??? You never won a fight at fw!!! Phone Post 3.0

Duane's_love_banged_by_TheDominator2139 - 155 BJ wtf!!!??? You never won a fight at fw!!! Phone Post 3.0
Your acting like he's fought several times at FW. He fought only once and it was against the legendary Frankie Edgar. Phone Post 3.0

If BJ is willing to put his body on the line, then I'll put my feelings on the line. WAR BJ!! LET'S DO THIS BRUDDA!

Big fan but please don't let Conor kill him. Phone Post 3.0

LOL at immediate mention of Conor. There are other fighters....

Embarrassing - Frankie beat THE SHIT out of BJ. Mendes would destroy him. He'd need his leg amputated if he fought Aldo. Coner would literally murder him. Go home BJ - you're drunk. Phone Post 3.0

If I were to create a fighter to beat Conor it would be someone with prime bjs skills. Someone with great head movement, explosive take downs, and excellent on the ground. Phone Post 3.0

Anyone thinking BJ is going to win the title is kidding themselves at this point. He doesn't have to though, there's in, competitive match ups for him out there. Just because he can't beat the elite anymore, doesn't mean he needs to retire. Phone Post 3.0

Incomplete Tent Person - Fuck man Penn at a REAL camp could be amazing. Especially one of jacksons caliber. If anyone can fix him it's that camp. Might be too little too late though. This should've happens 5 years ago. Phone Post 3.0
My thoughts exactly but a man can dream and hope haha Phone Post 3.0

Brigham - McGregor would murder him at this point Phone Post 3.0
I disagree. Phone Post 3.0

BJ fantasizes a lot, stick to your fourth come back fight and see how it goes from there.