Petition for Mickeys to change that retarded TV Ad

Bmur - 
UNIFIEDTEAM1 - Guys very FEW of the TAPOUT culture are legit BJJ black belts or high level Muay Thai fighters or even elite wrestlers.

They are, like in the commercial, guys that are sitting on a couch drinking beer.

My point is, being an MMA fan doesn't necessarily mean you are a douchebag, not everyone is a fighter or trains "UFC."  I just think this ad shows a poor portrayal of a fan and is a fucking terrible commercial, who does it appeal to? 

"Lets go get some Mickey's for the fights tonight, so we can look like those fucking douchebags on the commercial."

who does it appeal to?  

The people just like those douchebags which makes up 90% of the viewship for this season of TUF>



Cant stand that fuckin commercial.

dsr - 
Bmur - 
UNIFIEDTEAM1 - Guys very FEW of the TAPOUT culture are legit BJJ black belts or high level Muay Thai fighters or even elite wrestlers.

They are, like in the commercial, guys that are sitting on a couch drinking beer.

My point is, being an MMA fan doesn't necessarily mean you are a douchebag, not everyone is a fighter or trains "UFC."  I just think this ad shows a poor portrayal of a fan and is a fucking terrible commercial, who does it appeal to? 

"Lets go get some Mickey's for the fights tonight, so we can look like those fucking douchebags on the commercial."

who does it appeal to?  

The people just like those douchebags which makes up 90% of the viewship for this season of TUF>

Maybe I'm naïve and have no clue what I'm talking about here, but that really seems ridiculous to think there are more then a handful of people that have that much douchebag in them.   Point taken though.


GAY GAY GAY, would anyone hang out with someone shadow boxing beer bottles, then hive five after it explodes , meat headish and gay..after they high five i was expecting them to make out....not cool

 The dude moaning as he's spilling and destroying the lamp is the part I always go "What the fuck were they thinking?"

Seriously, that commercial is terrible.

FLAWLESSVICTORY - after they high five i was expecting them to make out....not cool


I think it's hilarious, exactly as it was intended.

I kept waiting for the punchline...sad to say the joke was on me.

That's basically an ad of TUF fans marketing to TUF fans.

I love it. I watch everytime and laugh simply because the guy on the left starts spazzing before he ever opens the beer.

i fucking hate that commercial

 It would be better if they could get those chubby guys from the ppv .gif who were shadow boxing in the crowd

I support anything that upsets the uptight faygots around here.


Would anyone be saying "this commercial is gay" if (for example) Chuck Liddell and Rashad Evans were in it instead of those two kids? Identical lines...same head movements...exact shadow boxing??

Until Tito - Would anyone be saying "this commercial is gay" if (for example) Chuck Liddell and Rashad Evans were in it instead of those two kids? Identical lines...same head movements...exact shadow boxing??

 I would say no, only because we would then realize these guys plugging a product that pays the money, and that they are being obvious about looking corny which in itself would be entertaining.

These stupid twerps on the commercial are rank amateur actors being fed a cheesy script that is supposed to be taken 3/4 seriously so that we can all "laugh" at the punchline at the end, as if it were a fucking surprise.

Big difference to me.

 Chuck and Shad or Forrest would be awesome. Mickey's barrel bottles also come with kick ass little picture riddles under the when you cant figure em out you know your hammered lol.

I don't really care either way, but my girlfriend thinks it's funny, so it's probably as bad as yall say.

Crazy Zimmerman - 
dsr -  Does Mickey's still have the barrel bottles?

 When you're wasted those things are dangerous.

dangerously AWESOME!!!

JoelN -  and why the side profile when he's throwing puches?

That was definitely the stupidest part of that commercial. If that dipshit wanted to watch the fights so bad than why did he turn away from the tv? Burn it. Burn it to the fucking ground.