I would expect nothing less from Yan. He’s been jobbed twice in a row… thrice actually, but the first time it wasn’t the judges, it was Sterlings acting chops that jobbed him.
I wonder if he tweeted it as his eyelid was being sewn back on his face
The one judge that scored the fight for Yan:
I thought Yan won 30-27, but don’t let it go to the judges.
Yan continually doesn’t go for the kill when he gets his opponents hurt.
Go cry somewhere else Peter.
Typical UG going too far.
He may have gotten fucked by the judges today but he fucked himself in the first Aljo fight and lost fair and square in the rematch because he kept on his giving up his back.
Even a great main card like this found a way to suck.
Anyone who thought it was 3-0 must have loved hearing DC suck off yan during the fight.
Finish the fight, or play by the subjective metrics each judge individually uses.
I thought OMalley won the fight, I wasn’t listening to the announcers as I had family over, and I wanted (and bet but cashed out before the decision) Yan to win.
Yan didnt do much with this takedowns. Omalley did much more with damage. im okay with the decision.
O’Malley lost.
Yan won. That was one of the worst bad decisions I’ve seen.
Yan won. Its sad because they cheapened a really good performance by O’Malley. He gained lots of respect with how he fought, then lost it all with yet another historically terrible decision.
Judges were PRIDE fans.
Quite the opposite for me. I never liked the kid, but he was humble and respectful after the fight. He made the best of a bad situation. He didn’t pick the judges. He didn’t have anything to do with the judging at all. All he could control was the fight, and he brought it. He took some shots, he was in trouble at times and he fought through it. Even after the fight he gave credit to Peter saying it was the most he’s ever been hurt in a fight.
Almost afraid that O’Malley might have gained me as a fan after that. I’ll have to think about it. I really didn’t like him before this.
I thought Yan won the second Aljo fight also.
Worst bad as in worst of the bad?
18 more significant strikes compared to non-event takedowns.
I agree with what you are saying. I’ll prolly never be a fan but he gained my respect. What I was trying to say is that he fought an excellent fight, but instead of standing there with his head up and proud, he looked like he knew he lost and had the misfortune of having to explain why the judges gifted him a win.