please do not click on this thread


"Do BJJ a favor and return your blackbelt to JJM, you disgrace."

I think Jean-Jacques is a much better person to decide who deserves a
black belt from him than you are.

Some people have real problems but no one else can make such a huge deal about them on the UG.

Call Dr. Phil, he fixes everybody.

"The new name of my academy will be "dark planet catch wrestling""

I'm SO paintint ghtat on the side of my van. Right next to the Conan.

I don't know you and you don't know me, but I've been reading about your life and all the shit that has been going on for a while now and after this post thought I needed to put my two cents in and give you my advice.

A lot of people say a lot of things...I haven't read the rest of this thread so if what I say has been posted before, sorry. I know how you feel, I've personally been in your position or one that I feel is relatively as bad as you describe, and I have countless family members (3 grandparents, 4 uncles, 3 aunts, and a brother whom I'm very close with) who I feel were worse off than you've described. My Grandmother, one Uncle, and one Aunt are all counselors of some sort (juvinile, NA, child psychiatry, etc.) and I'm about to begin a Doctorate program for Religious Studies with the concentration in Religion of the Americas as well as Family Counseling.

What I'm trying to say is that I've been around the block and know what it's like to be on all sides of the spectrum. From personal experience this is my two cents.

1) Be happy w/ yourself. You have to please one Do what makes YOU happy, fuck everyone else. If you aren't happy with yourself, you will be miserable. No way around it.

2) Be yourself. Don't put up fake images of yourself, b/c most of the time it is to please others or some other alterior motive. By not being yourself, you are not only selling yourself short but everyone else that comes to love who they "think" you are.

3) Love. Approach every situation with love, and look for love wherever you go and be passionate about what you do. Basically don't half ass anything. If you decide to do something...put your heart and your soul into it...create a product that you are proud of.

4) Be a good person. Always look for the good in every person or situation. Try not to make fun of people or overly criticize them, constructive criticism is good but don't overdo it to the point of just putting them down. Basically treat people the way you would like to be treated. If you find yourself around people who are dogging on others or in a situation where it's hard for ou to be a good person...remove yourself from the situation. It is amazing how your treated and how your confidence is lifted simply by treating people with respect.

5) Don't give up on God. I see what you say about God and your praying and prayers not being answered. Giving up on God is the worst thing you can do. You must believe and have faith in your higher power, mine is Jesus Christ and the God of Abraham (Christian), I'm not here to preach or try and sway you, whatever you worship, worship passionately and with everything you have.

6) Don't pray for yourself. Simply asking God for happiness and love in your life is alright, but one sentence maybe two at max, do not make yourself the center of your prayers. You should be selfless to the Lord, pray for others, pray to discover your true calling so that you can most efficiently positively influence others, pray for the safety and protection of your loved ones. By focusing your prayers on others and the happiness and peace of the world you will be amazed at how much better you feel as well as what can happen in your life. And as another positive if nothing changes and you're still won't have a sense that God doesn't care about you or has given up on you.

These are just my two cents and if you read them, I sincerely hope they help. I hate to see people when they are down, and I can't stand to just sit and do nothing, so I sincerely hope everything works out for you and things turn around.

For what it is worth, you and your family as well as your academy will be in my prayers and if by some chance you found my words useful or helpful in anyway and want to hear anything else I have to say you can shoot me an email at

If not, best of luck to you...

TTT for "fuck everyone else."

paging through religious studies materials...


TTT for a new even funnier EddieBravo epiphany, I like this one WAY more than the other.

gay. just gay.

Obiewon can you carry my groceries too?

ROFLMAO or whatever at anyone who was taken in by this even for a second. This is possibility the most feeble attempt at humor ever and shows how retarded 99% of this forum must be.

"My babycakes won't return my calls, texts, and emails. When I knock on moose's front door, there is never an answer even though I sometimes hear her moaning and weeping for me." make a joke...

Giving counseling advice to Eddie is like sitting in the bathroom worrying that the guy in the "letter to Penthouse" might have gotten hurt, and might have a family who is worried about him.

Good luck Eddie.


Eddie---Good grief man...grow some fucking balls!

ruler of heaven earth and every muthafuckin thing LMAO

Good stuff Eddie. It was always weird how you bit the hand that fed you - gi training

LOL at all of the people on this forum postin serious "way to go, Eddie" and "I hope everyhting works out for you, dude" meassage...YOU HAVE GOT TO BE THE MOST GULLIABLE PEOPLE IN THE HISTORY OF MODERN MAN....the funny thing about all of these 10th planet threads isn't the obvious work put on by EB and his minion, but the countless idiots who think its legit....anyone believing this shit can contact me about a time machine I have for sale if they're's only $500 (pretty fairly priced for time travel I might add)


lol wtf?? some ppl on here are just fuct

I don't wanna be a fuck. I thought his post was funny. More sex and an explosion would have been good though.

You can't work at a level 10... Everybody knows this. Only Ron could get to 10, and it freaking KILLED him.