please do not click on this thread

wtf is all this stuff with Bravo lately? People on here talk like everyone knows what's going on too much.

WTF, dude, do you have anything better to do than troll the UG? Aren't you famous? Don't you have groopies to ass rape? Student's to teach?

Why the fuck are you trolling the UG?

Ok, I'm just going to smoke some weed and pretend the world don't exist anymore.

"you play with the bulls and you get the horns.."

unicorns IMO

trying too hard to troll IMO

When was a twister used in MMA?

Sounds like a Karate Kid movie to me.....


"When was a twister used in MMA?"

More than once. What, you haven't seen every single MMA fight?

Do BJJ a favor and return your blackbelt to JJM, you disgrace.

"I sometimes hear her moaning and weeping for me"

Bwaahaha. Brilliant.

why not just leave it 10th planet

PS why is my post count so low? I've posted at least like 29 times.

eddie, instead of coming here for support or to vent, you should get serious help, dont let others change what you have built so hard to get

Damn... Eddie makes it worth getting on the UnderGround.

"The new name of my academy will be "dark planet catch wrestling"."

that is one cool name! you could start a rock band with that name!

While the sun is certainly the center of our solar system, it is far from the center of the universe. It is not even in the center of our spiral arm of the Milky Way, let alone the center of our galaxy.

Eddie is my hero. If he is a catch wrestler than I am too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Viva la li' dragon!!!

Over 5000 clicks in 5 hours on the thread titled "please do not click this thread"

i gotta say, for all the people that say he is annoying and should just go away, you just cant get enough of Eddie Bravo


It's really hard to tell sometimes whether or not you're serious or just full of shit and baiting us all to see if we'll take the bait....

That said, You might want to read the book 'The Fifth Mountain' by Paulo Cohelo. In it he likens life to being in a wrestling match with God. God is your CAN'T win when you fight him...but he wants you to keep fighting, to grow, to get stronger, to do things he doesn't expect. You're job on this Earth is to learn to be a better fighter. DO NOT SUBMIT! KEEP FIGHTING!

Amen. Hallelujiah. ;-)


damn, I feel like I just dropped a dose after reading that, you could probably start your own cult Eddie with that esoteric shit

more KKMs should recommend books to lil dinosaur

"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" - Guy loses his chick because he's insane and rambles about philosophy. Eddie ghost writing IMO.