Please help us stop RAPE!!

Guys NOBODY is donating! So far five people have stepped up to help us out. I expected a much bigger response considering the prizes we managed to get together. It only costs $10 to enter the raffle (and you get an additional entry for donating $20 and so on) and check out the amazing prizes you can win. Not to mention you're doing a GREAT thing both for MMA and for a very worthy cause.

A pair of MMA gloves signed by Matt Lindland and Randy Couture.

T-Shirts signed by Matt and Randy.

8 bottles of the hot new supplement Light Force!

A very nice KO Fightwear banner signed by Randleman, Coleman and Wes Sims

A signed copy Of Jens Pulver's new book.

And MANY more prizes on the way.

Please...without your held we CANNOT do this and that would be a big shame.

Remember, you can donate via paypal. My paypal name is AML1107@hotm

Thanks to those who have donated for their support and to those who are planning on stepping up.


"A pair of MMA gloves signed by Matt Mindland and Randy Couture."

Mindland is a big star these days

Just stop it. This thread is all about stopping rap not correcting spelling errors.

I was just messing with him, settle down.

OK good, because the first thing we need to do is get rid of Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg.

I will now go donate 10 dollars.

what is it?

Donated $10. Who's next?

Many of you may have read a thread I posted titled "Help me stop rape." To spare you all a lengthy reiteration, the bottom line is that I have been asked to speak in April before a conference composed of representatives from vaious anti-violence/rape on women groups, and lobbyists with similar agendas. They contacted me intially b/c I had taken it upon myseld to post links to their sites on my own website ( and hey didn't want to be affiliated with the "brutality" of MMA. Long story short, I turnd her into an informed fan of MMA and was invited to try and do the same to these various groups. They also invited me to set up a booth where I will be permitted to see or give away merchandise or gear.

I don't think I need to explain the significance of this all to MMA. If I can get these groups to see MMA as a legitimate sport and one that may be useful to women who are interested in self defense then that is one HUGE step for MMA. Remember, many of the grups who will be at the seminar are national lobbyists, that means they try and influence government for their living! In other words, these people are interested in working with the MMA community and sent me a handwritten letter to that effect.

Here's where I need some help or advice. I plan on arranging a 4 hr. self defense seminar for women about two weeks after the conference. The focus of the seminar will be escape from, and avoidance of potentially dangerous situations. Again, ESCAPE and AVOIDANCE...we're don't want these woman to try and close the distance and clinch with their attacker!

Debi Purcell, one of the top females in MMA has volunteered to conduct the seminar for free. Hres the problem, I need to find a way to sponsor he trip. I expect I will need to raise at least $500.00 to get her out here and put her up. I invite (and beg!!) any corporate or otherwise business sponsors to donate whatever they can, in terms of gear or money.

Here's my main idea though. Last night I spoke with Matt Lindland and he is sending me some MMA gloves and a few t-shirts, all signed by him and Randy. Maybe a few other items as well. In order to help raise money to sponsor Debi's rip out here I was thinking of either putting the items up for auction on ebay or alternatively, holding some sort of a raffle whereby individuals would purchase a raffle ticket for $10.oo and the first number picked would get the gloves and the others would get the shirts (not sure how many he's sending yet). Don't worry, if i choose the raffle i will ake it work smoothly and fairly.

Two last points, I can have Matt or Randy come on here and verify that they are signing this gear and sending it to me for the reason I explained above. Second, I guarentee 100% that this will be done fairly and that EVERY cent will go to getting Debi out here for the seminar and any excess will go to the cost of renting a booth at the conference (which I plan to pay for myself). Lastly, I am willing to verify everything in this post in any way that is suggested. I will post all records if necessary and can prove that all gear is genuine and segned by TGFC.

If you made it this far then you care both about fighting sexual assault and about MMA. For that I thank you. I welcome all sugestions or interest either by way of email at, or by posting here on this thread. All respectful and relevant suggestions are encouraged.

Thank you for your time and in advance for your support of this cause,


So thats what its all about! Please step up and support us.



What is the status of things? Any updates?


Can you post a link to the paypal site DonRiz?

I don't know how much I have left after donating to Kenny Allen , but I can let you have whatever is left......

link please?

I will buy a ticket, because it IS a good cause, and because NHBStriker made me laugh.

I'll help stop rape.

I wont go out tonight.

Redneck = noose?

It was a joke guys, you know?

that's fucked Redneck.

I'm broke but ttt for someone who's not a

BAB (broke ass bastard)

I could care less about an autograph from Lindland. Who the hell is he?

Now Couture is someone worth noting.

"I could care less about an autograph from Lindland. Who the hell is he?"

Uh, he's the guy who just won his last UFC match.