Please help with spacing program?

I have the self-discipline and the resources to pursue this program I wrote, but I am trying to find a way to balance it with my boxing workouts and not much is working. I only have so much time so I was trying to box 2 or 3 days a week and lift/run 2 days a week. Plus my coaches aren't spending a lot of time with me right now (other fighters preparing for fights, I am not)

There are three goals, in order of priority:

1) increased anaerobic/aerobic condition

2) increased overall strength, hence the basic multijoint exercises. Nothing sport-specific for right now, more for joint strength to minimize injury and overall strength balance. I will work on sport-specifics and other variations later.

3) power, hence the olympic lifts

So here was what I was thinking:

Strength/cardio cycle:

Day 1 (wednesday) Squat, bench press, military press. 6-8 reps with 1 minute rest between. 1 mile warm-up run, maybe 4 x 600 m run + 1 x 800 m cool-down

Day 2 (saturday) deadlift, a rowing exercise and curls. Again 6-8 reps with 1 minute rest between. 1 mile warm-up run, maybe 6 x 400 m run + 1 x 800 m cool-down

Power cycle:

Day 1 (wednesday) olympic lifts. 4-6 reps of power clean and press, and either hang cleans or deads, 2-3 minutes rest between sets. 1 mile warm-up. 6 x 600 m runs, add sprints at end with 1 x 800 m cool down

Day 2 (saturday) 1 mile warm-up. 6 x 600 m runs, add sprints at end with 1 x 800 m cool down

Of course, with all this I will be doing copious amounts of stretching.

what exactly do you want help doing
i will tell you right now this program will do more harm than good. you need to do split routines.

such as back and bis chest and tris legs and shoulders etc......

Just want some advice on how to split it up so I get progress not damage

ikickedem - why does he need to do split routines?

I think the program you set out is great the way it is. I'd switch the curls for pullups, unless it's boxing specific. I don't know much about training for boxing.

Can you explain what you mean by 'balance it with my boxing workouts?' What's the problem? What's out of balance?

Balancing meaning on the days I spar I do not do any heavy lifting or heavy running, maybe a 2 mile LSD jog. On days when I do heavy bag work I like to work legs so the shoulders do not burn out, and on days when I do bench press and shoulder press I like to work defense and slipping because again by this point my shoulders are burnt to shit.