please need help!

hey can you do me a favour and sign up for this email subscription for me using that referal link above please? it's free! if I refer 25 people I get can get this for free. thanks!
it's Eric Wong strengh & conditioning site! Phone Post 3.0 Phone Post 3.0

Lol hi Eric!

Leigh, isn't this that same guy who's been trolling his nonsense here for a while?

what nonsense is that? Phone Post 3.0

trolling what? it's a strength and conditioning website. fucking retard! Phone Post 3.0

Cool. Go spam another forum, thanks. This one is for information, not your personal garbage bin. I'm happy to flag your posts if you'd like to push the issue. You've just violated several forum rules.

And what is that supposed to scare me, I didnt know I was breaking any rules. Phone Post 3.0

The website has tons of free videos and information. should looking at stuff before you make a ignorant comment. Phone Post 3.0

So let me get this straight. You spammed multiple forums on this site looking to get something for free from people you have never contributed a thing to. Then you call a mod a "fucking retard" and blame me for not perusing some other site I couldn't possibly care less about as though you did me a favor? And you're confused about why some of that might be looked down on?

vermonter - So let me get this straight. You spammed multiple forums on this site looking to get something for free from people you have never contributed a thing to. Then you call a mod a "fucking retard" and blame me for not perusing some other site I couldn't possibly care less about as though you did me a favor? And you're confused about why some of that might be looked down on?
I didnt blame you for nothing, you act like I personally asked YOU to click the link. Get over yourself fucktard! you are like a mall security guard, you make threats that dont mean much to me. flag it all you want, I'll just get back to my real life. Phone Post 3.0

How would you like me to thank all the nice people who actually clicked the link and wasted 20 seconds out of their life? any ideas? maybe some cyber handies. Phone Post 3.0