Pot(weed) actually does help fight against MRSA!!



mshagger.......I haven't smoked weed in over a year...not cool!!(LOL)

But that shit looks CHRONIC!!!

waits till' May 2009 to get off probation and maybe smoke some chron

My preventative doses started at 4:20 on 4/20/88 and I have been working hard to maintain a steady level since.

That reminds me.....

i had mrsa in my arm in two spots last summer, fuckin hurt like hell. fucked up a tattoo also.

smoke weed

Weed is more interesting because it is illegal... I kinda like it that way

Eddie is right i live in Salem Oregon and work at the State Hospital where MRSA is rampant. Im clean as a whistle. Helps with the 9 months of fucking rain too ;)

My brother called bull because he's had MRSA twice but I explained to him that it's the topical use of sativa not smoking it!

He hasn't smoked for awhile and has had it since he's been sober so maybe smoking does help but only time will tell.

Either way it needs to be legal within the next 5 years or we're wasting the greatest natural resource on the planet.

Piece 0f paper= 100 years

piece of Hemp paper= 1000 years

the original Declaration of Independence is still around because it was written on Hemp!!

Here is some anecdotal food for thought.

My old massage therapist, was likely on to this some time ago. She only uses organic hemp oil for her massage work. A couple times I had massages at her place, and she used to soak whole buds into the hemp oil to infuse it.

She would swear up and down that is was awesome for her skin, and helped clear up a couple peoples skin that she worked on regularly.

She use to charge an extra $5 to use the bud infused oil.

She was turned on to this by her yoga instructor. This guys used to make Bhang (I think thats how its spelled) and all manner of bakery items with pot.

I am a former federal agent, and my dad was a narcotics cop for ages, and at this point i have yet to see any compelling peer reviewed science that shows any harmful affect from pot.

I think the worst side affect is the potential to listen to total fucking shit bands like wide spread panic or phish.

LOL^^^^ the last sentence killed me!!


Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has long been known to contain antibacterial cannabinoids, whose potential to address antibiotic resistance has not yet been investigated. All five major cannabinoids (cannabidiol (1b), cannabichromene (2), cannabigerol (3b), ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (4b), and cannabinol (5)) showed potent activity against a variety of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains of current clinical relevance. Activity was remarkably tolerant to the nature of the prenyl moiety, to its relative position compared to the n-pentyl moiety (abnormal cannabinoids), and to carboxylation of the resorcinyl moiety (pre-cannabinoids). Conversely, methylation and acetylation of the phenolic hydroxyls, esterification of the carboxylic group of pre-cannabinoids, and introduction of a second prenyl moiety were all detrimental for antibacterial activity. Taken together, these observations suggest that the prenyl moiety of cannabinoids serves mainly as a modulator of lipid affinity for the olivetol core, a per se poorly active antibacterial pharmacophore, while their high potency definitely suggests a specific, but yet elusive, mechanism of activity.

More U.S. Deaths From MRSA Than AIDS
In 2005, More Than 18,000 Deaths Attributed to MRSA, CDC Reports
By Salynn Boyles
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDOct. 16, 2007 -- It appears that more people in the U.S. now die from the mostly hospital-acquired staph infection MRSA than from AIDS, according to a new report from the CDC.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was responsible for an estimated 94,000 life-threatening infections and 18,650 deaths in 2005, CDC researchers report in the Oct. 17 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.

I think the worst side affect is the potential to listen to total fucking shit bands like wide spread panic or phish.


"Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was responsible for an estimated 94,000 life-threatening infections and 18,650 deaths in 2005, CDC researchers report in the Oct. 17 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association."

That is a scary number. There are also thousands of people who have amputations due to MRSA.

three pages and still not a link

What if you share a joint with someone who has MRSA and you just brushed your teeth a bit too hard?


DiSmAnTLeR - 
Wovito - 
Joe Rogan -  It's one of the biggest travesties of our culture that in this day and age, with all the access to information that we have we have a plant that grows naturally, can treat a variety of different ailments, expands your consciousness, makes you happy and friendly, and if you get caught with it you can get locked in a cage by the very people that are supposed to be here to protect you from harm.

It's just beyond fucked.

Not to mention you can build a house out of hemp, make super-strong rope out of it, make a more durable fabric than cotton, and hemp seed is one of the most complete and nutritious natural foods on the planet

Wovito is correct.

canna-bricks are very strong, hemp is the strongest natural fibre known to man, takes 1/5 of the chemicals to process into fabric, and hemp seed contains more digestable protein than soy.

Not to mention ethanol can be made from hemp, more effeciently then other plants like corn and sugarcane. Its truly disturbing to realize that had this one plant not been demonized for politics and profit, the world would be cleaner, many products would be cheaper, and we potentially would not be dependent on foreign oil. Making hemp illegal was a crime against humanity.


keepthechange - three pages and still not a link