Power to the People

I think in order to side press 500 lbs you need someone to ring a bell....maybe Pavlov can do it for you.

Good luck Brandon, just train hard, you'll learn as you go.

Pavels information and workouts were the foundation for me starting in resistance training. Since then I have sucesfully incoporated stuff from many different strength coaches and or programs. These include: Mike Mahler, Jamie Hale, Coach Davies, Westside Barbell, John Brookfeild, Stuff from T Nation articales, etc.

However Pavel is where it all started for me. I highly recommned his material


i don't know what else to "say"

I actually started doing Pavel's PtP lifts, but use a progressive weight/time scale that Matt Wiggins wrote about and I think it's great! Very simple and quick.

Ive read the book and started the program. The book should be cheaper as alot of it was filler. Could have been a good magazing article though. Im working on being able to do the bar for the 5 reps in the side press. Im getting there but its hard. I wish I had dumbells so I could have worked up to the 45 pounds instead of just jumping in. I can deadlift 150 pounds with ease so I need to buy more plates. Ive been eating the diet that Arnold has in his book, and have gained about 5 pounds. But Im not sure its all muscle. I take Tae Kwoon Do so its always been hard for me to gain weight as I burn alot of calories during Martial Arts class. I went to the YMCA and deadlifted 225 for 5 reps! I think that would be a good weight to stay at, because I dont want to slow my kicks down any. Im not sure what point that heavyweights would hurt my TKD speed. So Im going to proceed with caution. If anyone is considering PTP by PAVEL I guess its ok.

Heavy weights wont hurt your speed. There are reasons for this, but I am in a rush so maybe someone else will pick up from here. But seriously, I can't think of any sports that can't be better performed by improving your strength to weight ratio...

well maybe darts, but that's just being silly.

Everytime someone mentions Pavel's material I just start drooling.