Power to the People

Would someone tell me how to do the program and save me some money? Will it work for someone just starting out? I spent all my money on Creatine and N02. I want to know the basics of the program. I have a barbell and 150 pds of plates, I read in the add it dosent take much equipment and think its the best option for me at the moment.

do you have Aol IM?

I dont have Aol. My email is BrandonTaylor18@hotmail.com

Im not very smart when it comes to computers. I will buy the book eventually but cant someone get me started with what the program consists of.

It shows how to employ all muscles during a program consisting of deadlifts and the sidepress. it´s a beginner workout and is for strength training, not bodybuilding.

Thanks dogbert. Side press? I know what a deadlift is. But I dont think I'll be doing Power to the People now. I bought Arnold:Education of a bodybuilder today for just 10 bucks. Its got alot of exercises in it. I think I want to look more like Arnold than Pavlov. Im sure Pavlov's program works, it got alot of good reviews on amazon. But Im sure Arnolds workouts are good too.

lol, good luck...

I think I want to look more like Arnold than Pavlov.

9.5 for that statement alone...

Im sure Pavlov's program works, it got alot of good reviews on amazon

Pavlov's progam is great for bulking, as long as your bell doesn't malfunction.


Good call. Stick w/ the Arnold book. That Pavlov doesn't know too much about weightlifting to be honest. He more learned in the field of tuning forks and dogs

I broke down and bought Power to the People off of Amazon today. I cant wait till it gets here. I thought what the fuck, if Pavlov can get me there with just two exercises that would probably be easier. I dont really have the equipment to do Arnolds workout. The closest gyms about a half hour away and Im to busy to spend an hour round trip, plus however long I work out added on to that. Has anyone tried Pavlov's other book "Russian CHallenge"? I was reading about Arnolds life this morning. He used to visulize his arms where as big as mountains. Im going to try that out.

Shame guys don't rag the little guy. LOL.

IB, I have heard that setting a bell to regulate your meal times helps.

He used to visulize his arms where as big as mountains. Im going to try that out.

I used to do that with my penis.

It obviously worked.


I feel like explaining the jokes made by Dogbert and Eddy since so few seem to get it.

Pavel Tsatsouline wrote Power to the People.

Ivan Pavlov (notice the difference in spelling), a russian physiologist came up with the idea of "conditioned reflex" through experiments on dogs. He was awarded the Nobel Prize 1904.

PAVELS book is easy and to the point.Enjoy.

I think I probably need more weights. I have 150pds which might be good at first but I will soon out grow it. How much weight do you guys think Ill need? Im considering getting 350 more pounds. Because when I get advanced and start sidepressing 500pds and deadlifting 500pds Ill probably have reached my genetic potential.

I was worried I had reached my genetic potential but then I grew a tail.

Having a tail is cool and all, but can you sidepress 500lbs with it?

Only when you can sidepress a truck will you have reached your genetic potential.

Oh, and if your sidepress is the same as your deadlift....HAHAHA!


I started visualising my arms as mountains last year instead of working out. Talk about effective. Today I had three ramblers and a rock climber knocking at my door, and last week I spotted a rare breed of Eagle circling overhead. The National Trust is apparently thinking about declaring me an area of natural beauty too, ('natural'?? best not tell them about my pro-hormone dabbling when I was eighteen).