Prebek Appreciation Thread

Pouya Rebek, comic genius and mma fan, has tapped out. I talked to him today. No more MMA Hour appearances or cartoons. I think the guy is way too talented not to be successful, but apparently the MMA world wasn't paying him for his talent. Thanks for the laughs, Prebek! I'll never hear Anderson, Alistair, Vitor, the Diaz Bros, or so many others without thinking of you. Phone Post

That's awful. I hope he works in the industry! Been a fan since the originals!!

He should do a podcast all by himself, doing fake audio interviews with his characters. Zero overhead. I'd pay to download it. Phone Post

Id be down to do the art and attempt the animations free. Can anyone get his info for me. I'm not the best but il do it. Phone Post

Jack Brown - He should do a podcast all by himself, doing fake audio interviews with his characters. Zero overhead. I'd pay to download it. Phone Post

Agreed would to Phone Post

Yeah man.  That guy is incredible.

Wasn't he raising money for the next series?

IMO the UFC could have hired him to add some funny promos to upcoming fights. Or maybe Helwani could've added him as a monthly funny video segment. Not sure how much $ the MMA hour podcast generates though Phone Post 3.0

I've made no money doing interviews so I'm obviously not very resourceful in this regard, but I was certain that Prebek would be commercially successful somehow. Phone Post

It was way more than the voices. He has a crazy good sense of humor and found all the funny nuances of the fighters. Phone Post

Prebek is awesome, been a fan since Day 1 have always had positive feedback with him on youtube Phone Post

caseharts - Id be down to do the art and attempt the animations free. Can anyone get his info for me. I'm not the best but il do it. Phone Post

Tweet at him. @prebek Phone Post

UFC shuts down any viral promotion every chance they get.


It's why lookoutawhale doesn't do much anymore.  The second he posts an awesome video there's a claim against it.


TTTHS and Prebek are ok if they don't use any proprietary material or Zuffa intellectual property.


That is so not badass it's unreal.


Funny how the game has changed.

MMA Lives Here -
Jack Brown - I've made no money doing interviews so I'm obviously not very resourceful in this regard, but I was certain that Prebek would be commercially successful somehow. Phone Post
Would hundreds of thousands of views for each youtube video generate revenue? Phone Post 3.0

1 million views equals between 1000 and 3000 dollars Phone Post

Jack Brown -
caseharts - Id be down to do the art and attempt the animations free. Can anyone get his info for me. I'm not the best but il do it. Phone Post

Tweet at him. @prebek Phone Post

Will do I'd love to bring him the ug as a ug exclusive. He's ours!!! Phone Post

I thought the guy was awesome. I can't listen to Tommy Toe Hold. That shouting voice is way too abrasive. Hope he does well in the future. Phone Post

Damn shame but kinda saw it coming. Hope he finds a way to make some money with his talent.

Ch1ef - I thought the guy was awesome. I can't listen to Tommy Toe Hold. That shouting voice is way too abrasive. Hope he does well in the future. Phone Post

Apples and oranges imo. Phone Post

Rambo John J - 

I love this guy's skills, he is obviously appreciated here.

I posted one of his videos once and got like 25 vote ups in 10 minutes.

Must have been hard work to lose those 25

Spike or Fox should've jumped on this series IMO :) Phone Post 3.0