Prebek Appreciation Thread

Man I love that guys cartoons, vitor breaking into nicks house to read him bible stories is hilarious. Phone Post 3.0

MountainMedic -
Jack Brown -
KOdClowning - Prebak is Over-rated. Prebak was never top ten. His first skit had a bad weight cut. The second was an early stoppage. Prebak is all hype.

0/10 Phone Post

I don't think that was meant to be insulting jack- I laughed, its classic ug! Phone Post

I got it, but did not laugh. KOd is hit or miss, and I scored that one a miss. Too forced IMO. Phone Post

We have begun men. WE HAVE BEGUN

We have begun men. WE HAVE BEGUN

Ttt Phone Post

Ttt Phone Post

Ttt Phone Post

caseharts - 

We have begun men. WE HAVE BEGUN

Nice man, looking forward to it. VU

Man, I am slightly depressed now. His work was tremendously talented. So much mainstream potential too. Phone Post 3.0

Ttt. More work has been done. I'm finally understanding lip syncing. I suck but this first video will be a very rough go. Similar to the originals just a bit more complicated. In time I can do more advanced work.

Please support us in this endeavor! Phone Post 3.0

caseharts - Ttt. More work has been done. I'm finally understanding lip syncing. I suck but this first video will be a very rough go. Similar to the originals just a bit more complicated. In time I can do more advanced work.

Please support us in this endeavor! Phone Post 3.0
Ttt Phone Post

In Phone Post 3.0

Prebek was funny

Now more than ever Phone Post 3.0

Jack Brown - Now more than ever Phone Post 3.0
I miss him immensely Phone Post 3.0