PRIDE office closed, workers fired

LOL, what we miss are all the amazing fights, OWGP, and more exciting rules. Anyone who doesn't miss any of that isn't a real MMA fan. Watered down TUF style MMA will not fill the void left behind.

BTW I'd LOVE to hear your pathetic nostalgic thoughts if UFC went belly up tommorrow.

I miss half of the Bushido fights, and 1/4 of the normal pride fights.

and LOL @ watered down TUF MMA, it's overcome the best Pride can offer in the 205 and 206+ division.

Those 'boring, watered down' TUF guys recently beat two of the top PfP guys in all of MMA. GSP and Shogun. Doesn't seem that bad to me.

Pulsar is correct.

See the problem is, the people who rant about how 'TUF is bad for MMA' are not MMA fans themselves.

Out of Every TUF, 2/3 of the names you see in there, I've seen fight or I've heard of on news sites.

From: Jons Forsberg
Date: 10/04/07 07:58 PM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
1999 Total Posts Ignore User

Im glad its closed, ZUFFA running PRIDE would be the same as having a rodeo inside Taj Mhal, its profanity.

best thing Zuffa ever did since buying PRIDE.

well said.

Pride RIP.

Pride is gone and done, yeah i liked it more but thats history, move on and enjoy what we do have

Todd Atkins must be rolling over in his grave right now. Didn't he die of cancer or something?

One thing I will definately miss is Pride rules. No more soccer kicks, no more knees on the ground. :(

Damn, it truly is a sad day for MMA.

Will we ever see legendary warriors such as Sean O'Haire, Butterbean, Zulu Jr., Dos Caros and Giant Silva again?

Have we seen the last of slightly above average fighters looking like superheroes as they plow through wave after wave of japanese cans?

Have we seen the last of obviously worked matches and once legendary pro wrestlers wearing diapers?

Yes, I think it fitting that we all share a moment of silence for what we have lost!

I'm seriously disgusted by the way people here are happy to see a big MMA promotion go down.

Pride is the org that made Sakuraba, Fedor, Silva, Henderson, Quinton, Igor, Minotauro and others stars.

No more GP tournaments. No more MMA shows with 50,000 respectful fans. No more soccer kicks or 10 min first rounds.

Yeah, this is AWESOME.

And saying that Zulu and Sean O'haire represent Pride is so amazingly dumb. I am actually shocked by how stupid those comments are. That means someone can jump on here and say "Oh UFC is dead? Big deal! I guess we can say bye bye to Wes Sims, Sean Gannon and Elvis Sinosic!"

Zuffa f-ing finishes fights

Who the hell is happy? I'm not sad to see Sakuraba, Fedor, Silva, Henderson, Quinton, Igor, Minotauro and others stars go because they are not gone. They will all fight for other orgs. Zulu and Sean O'haire have no other options. Only one org was corrupt enough to put them on the big stage and it's now dead and gone forever! We will never see Dos Caros slumped in the corner with blood gushing out of his luchadore mask again! RIP Pride!


When was the last time Dos Caras fought in Pride?

Another question, what was your favorite season of TUF?

My favorite TUF episode was the one where Forrest Griffen beat Shogun and Jardine beat Chuck. What was yours?

"My favorite TUF episode was the one where Forrest Griffen beat Shogun and Jardine beat Chuck. What was yours?"

LOL! Comeback of the day, IMO.

"My favorite TUF episode was the one where Forrest Griffen beat Shogun and Jardine beat Chuck. What was yours?"

Those werent seasons of TUF.

Also, you didn't answer my question. When was the last time Dos Caras fought in Pride? Since you think he represents Pride, he must have fought at least 5-6 times in Pride and I'm sure he has competed for the org VERY recently.

"Those werent seasons of TUF."

Sorry, you're right. I guess you are a bigger TUF fan than me after all.


grimer is on fire!