Prime BJ Penn vs Prime Kazushi Sakuraba

Who would've won?

Are you for cereal?

Sakuraba via mongolian chop

Soul Gravy - Are you for cereal?


Sak wouldn't have been able to take down prime bj, and Penn destroys him on the feet. Easy win for Penn, bad matchup for sak. Phone Post

Penn Phone Post

That's a great fight, I'd take Sakuraba. Phone Post

jushintiger - Retarded scenario. Sak fights 185+. Prime BJ is between 155-170

Wasn't Sakuraba around 175 when he fought Royce? He could've easily made 170, but BJ also fought at 185, so they could've easily met at either weight. Phone Post

jushintiger - Retarded scenario. Sak fights 185+. Prime BJ is between 155-170

It's not a "Retarded scenario" at all, Penn weighed 191lbs against Machida who was 220lbs.

Sak by dec.

Sak was around 180-185 for most of his prime years. That is smaller than most WWs today. He did in fact weigh in around 175 iirc for Royce.

jushintiger - "PRIME BJ" being the operative word. I do believe Machida beat Fat BJ convincingly.

He might not have been his best in that fight but it proved that he was willing to fight bigger guys, so I don't think he would've been that bothered about fighting Sakuraba who is much closer in weight to him.

BJ would land some decent punches, but eat body kicks and eventually burn out from defending the single. Sak takes him down, gnp, sub attempts, repeat. Sakuraba via UD.

Very good fight.

But Sakuraba could beat anyone on earth his own size or smaller in his prime.

Sakuraba fo sho.

he went the distance with Igor vovchanchyn (some even think he won that fight). BJ may be able to outland him for a little while, but i think sakuraba would find a way to win.

Would have been cool to see them on the ground.

Nexuscrawlers -

Sakuraba fo sho.

he went the distance with Igor vovchanchyn (some even think he won that fight). BJ may be able to outland him for a little while, but i think sakuraba would find a way to win.

Went the distance with Vovchanchyn after going 90 MINUTES against Royce earlier that night! Phone Post

Would you rather see it in Pride or UFC?

I would go with Pride.

Taz Styles - Would you rather see it in Pride or UFC?

I would go with Pride.

I always vote for Pride rules, haha Phone Post

UGCTT SidRival's Butler - 
Nexuscrawlers -

Sakuraba fo sho.

he went the distance with Igor vovchanchyn (some even think he won that fight). BJ may be able to outland him for a little while, but i think sakuraba would find a way to win.

Went the distance with Vovchanchyn after going 90 MINUTES against Royce earlier that night! Phone Post

He fought for 105 minutes altogether in one night and Igor was a beast at the time.