Question about a possible fake BB in Atlanta

Smh, in. Phone Post 3.0

Unless he is already a member of the forum it will take a few days to get approved you should check with a mod

to expedite the process if he is not

Adam Singer - This has fraud written all over it. I know almost every BB in GA and every legit MMA coach and I have never heard of him. Wouldn't any real Bjj BB have his lineage right in the intro paragraph. Time for the wolves to hunt this fraud down.
Adam Singer. Phone Post 3.0
If this guy and his brother don't know who he is. Something isn't right.

Adam and Rory run the mma scene in ATL

In early Phone Post 3.0

Those are both crispy, new belts lacking red bars, let alone stripes. They also look like they are wearing judo gis.

In for hilarity.

I could and would say I know almost every BB from the Atlanta area....100% fake. This is going to get good quick...

We've heard that "I didn't make my webpage" crap before from others.

Nice Moobs!!

My thread got Bobby Southworth post. Already a winner

You would think a man into fitness for his whole life wouldn't have titties. Phone Post 3.0

If his granpa got a black belt back in the day then there are what, four people he could have gotten it from? Five? It's not a big list.

This guy is a complete fake....

I was in first Joe....


Sure are a lot of people with great bios on a website for a company they own that don't bother reading them. Phone Post 3.0

do these guys really think they can get away with this type of thing?

his downfall was trying to sell some shitty MMA mats!

Was just in the Facebook page. Need to try the aquatic mma training Phone Post 3.0

I just spoke to him and he told me that he will be fixing the website to more accurately reflect the truth. Take it for what it is.

Adam Phone Post 3.0

we will keep an eye on him. great work Adam

In early Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0