Quitting Martial Arts

Dougie does this mean your gonna be adding to your msn hours lol

Yes, I will do my best to be on-line more since I won't be doing martial arts anymore.

My MSN is dougee@canada.com btw...

U can now also dedicate yourself even more to your work rock the night shift dude

LOL @ dedicate myself to my work!

...Oh wait...are you being serious?

ttt for Dougie...

dude, are you seriously quiting?  cause you know you could just take a short break, come to your senses and start up again

...if it's the money for gear and what not, I have some old mouthpieces I could kick in...I'm here for ya man...

Fucking right im serious c'mon dougie u gotta put your heart and soul into this job that u do.. LOL @ me not remembering what u do for a living

mjmann88 - some time you have to know when to call it a day and move on.

Well, now that I have more spare time I have been thinking about getting a part-time job at Canadian Tire!

Dougie, see what had happened was...I...ok...I...well...my bad...damn

I'm still here for you man!

Its...it's over for me...sob sob...save yourself!


Bandwidth Exceeded"


Yes, yes, guns and knives will be fine.

If you're going to graduate from mma practitioner to internet mma pundit, you ought to start a blog.

Thanx Aasen! With our gun laws this hobby should easily fill up my spare time. The knives though will be no problem.

A blog seems like a lot of work. I would prefer to just post here and tell everyone what they are doing wrong.