Car mechanic experience has exactly everything to do with MMA. Every move in MMA is all application of force. To analyze any phenomenon in physics, hands-on experience is needed. Twisting off bolts, prying transmission bellhousings free of the engine block, and learning how to snake your hands through the mess of metal tubes and hoses while still being able to properly position said hands to apply most efficient force using perfect leverage, etc, are absolutely necessary to analyze any move in MMA.
A master car mechanic should be able to understand the essence of math at the most advanced level. Math permeates through everything around us. Math is a language designed to describe any phenomenon in physics with 100% precision. It is applicable to everything.
Explain the creative ways you have applied math skills that have eluded all others before you.
We are all lucky pdeking is sparing us a few minutes..he probably spends most of his day arguing relentlessly with physics Phds and wagging his pencil knowingly at young,slightly plump,female graduates.
"Biomedical/Chemical Engineering"
Pdeking,please stop wasting your time with this childish nonsense and use your differential skills correctly by entering the field of Cosmology.
Maths people are a unique breed.
Do not be afraid of them.
I suspect Pdeking has probably been offered good money for his sperm by a group of wealthy swiss industrialists.