Rampage has never lost to a wrestler...

How could you possibly call Minowaman a wrestler but not Sak?

They're both sub wrestlers, plain as day.

 Rampage's style has made him one of the easier top level fighters to gameplan for.

Forrest Griffin beat him with leg kicks for crying out loud.

Expect Greg Jackson to be all over the gameplan here.  You know exactly what Rampage will do.  Stand, throw the same combinations he always does.

Sak was a wrestler, wrestling was chuck's background, Lindland was robbed by most accounts<br /><br />

Randlman is...well is randleman and he almost ko'ed quinton by his own account.
Henderson never belonged at 205

ans how is sak not a wrestler but Minoawman is?<br />

lol @ sakuraba not being a wrestler

his nickname in japan is "IQ WRESTLER"

he did very well at the collegiate level and Japan is a top 10 wrestling nation.

Sak is the greatest wrestler MMA has eva seen!

Lindland won!

sak may very well be the best MMA applied wrestler the sport has ever seen. No one has ever been able to combine solid wrestling with such phenomenal subs

^ He's def one of them. He never developed his guard or bottom game much and it cost him in some fights.

Hughes is another. He got subbed early in his career but once he hit his prime, he was a wrestling and sub monster.

Lindland is another. He was taking it to BJJ BBs on the ground.

Randy is another, not in the sub sense but in applying the clinch in standup strategy.

Just compare Lindland and Randy to how Dan has applied his wrestling, they both blow him out of the water in this dept.

GSP may not be orig a wrestler but he's developed both his wrestling AND ground game where as many wrestlers forgoe the ground game development for standup.

Lipstick Jones -  sakaraba is a wrestler and forrest beat him with wrestling.

Mad Xyientist - Rampage's style has made him one of the easier top level fighters to gameplan for.

Forrest Griffin beat him with leg kicks for crying out loud.

Expect Greg Jackson to be all over the gameplan here. You know exactly what Rampage will do. Stand, throw the same combinations he always does.


When I see stuff like Rampage doesn't lose to wrestlers and/or all Rampage has to do is train hard and he'll win, well, it's just ridiculous. And lazy. Listing a bunch of wrestlers that Rampage has beaten really means nothing if they don't fight like Rashad. Looking at Jackson's wins and entertaining the original argument, Randleman is as inconsistent as it gets, Minowa shouldn't even be mentioned, and Liddell never really went for the takedown. That leaves the undersized Lindland and Henderson, neither of which fight like Rashad, yet both pushed for the takedown and many people thought that Rampage lost both those fights. Not exactly a winning endorsement for Jackson.

Factor in that Jackson's style is getting easier to train for as evidenced by the Forrest fight and Rampage narrowly getting by Jardine (pretty sure the judges told him he lost by 1 punch), Jackson's long layoff, and all the attributes that Rashad brings to the table, I don't see how so many people think Rashad will be a walk in the park. This fight has a chance to be really competitive IMO, but there's a lot better analysis than 'Rampage doesn't lose to wrestlers.'

"Loss #2: Getting choked out by Sakuraba. Not a wrestler."


Kazushi Sakuraba was/is a CATCH WRESTLER.

Did he crosstrain? Sure. But first and foremost - he was a catch as catch can wrestler.

Rashad has never lost to an American, a wrestler, a boxer or a black guy so by that logic his chances are pretty good.

homegrowncone - Rashad has never lost to an American, a wrestler, a boxer or a black guy so by that logic his chances are pretty good.

LOL holy shit !

/End thread!

Victor Parlati - "Loss #2: Getting choked out by Sakuraba. Not a wrestler."


Kazushi Sakuraba was/is a CATCH WRESTLER.

Did he crosstrain? Sure. But first and foremost - he was a catch as catch can wrestler.

I would say that he was primarily a Freestyler (something his was #2 in the country at in High School, and #4 in the country at in college). He did know a lot of catch, but that can hardly be called his base.

Hus - Whatever, the point still stands...

Rampage has never lost to an AMERICAN wrestler.

Haha, Ok - so if rashad spoke Japanese, he'd have a chance?

Overall, the point is just silly. You can't compare other fights because there's so many other factors that go into a MMA fight -- from injuries and personal problems, to just how people's reactions go along with other people's reactions. In my old gym, there were people that were considered better than me that i could regularly tap me out, and there were people that were considered worse than me that would regularly tap me out...same goes when i would wrestle in high school.

In my opinion, Evans is quicker than Rampage, has a very technical striking game, motivated, and probably has a better (focused) mindset. Him coming off a huge loss is probably even more motivation.

I like Rampage and has been a fan of his since his first PRIDE fight...but i think he's been out of the game a little too long and has a lot more flaws than Evans (leg kicks anyone?).