Raquel Pennington has wasted almost 4 hours of UFC broadcasts

Nope.I think the bottom UFC numbers these days are 200,000.

200,000 would not be the worst.

Her best decision would be to send her packing.

And which one of those was an all women’s event? Like I said, it’d be the worst performing PPV ever.

Even Ronda’s numbers were overhyped

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I believe last event they said the finishing rate among all time fights is either 45 or 55%

Valentina is like a spy from a movie, a complete badass Chick, kinda cute how tough she is, but I have no desire to watch her fight. It’s so weird.

Very few female fighters have had me interested.

Carano and Cyborg obviously, Ronda was fun… but other than that I like Cat Zingano… recently I guess Tatiana Suarez, she comes to fight, can’t think of any other off the top of my head.

Oh… Sumiko Inaba in Bellator impressed me recently. She actually fights , it was refreshing to see

Joanna J? ^^^^

Harsh but fair.

The womens roster is where the mens was a few yrs after zuffa bought the ufc. Divisions were very top heavy. A champion and a few solid contenders then the skill level fell away heaps.

Obviously some female fights are very entertaining but they are few and far between.

I think wmma will always struggle with a limited talent pool.

I would imagine little girls dont dream of growing up and getting bashed for peanuts in the ufc.

Conversely little boys can dream of being the next conor and stumbling into half a billion$$$.

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Pillow fists. Imo.

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Joanna vs Zhang = top shelf for WMMA.

You guys are only implying Joanna isn’t a finisher cause she’s gone 44 rounds since she’s finished someone. Is that really fair?


I think their business model in having WMMA on every card revolves around two (2) ideas:

  1. They’re hoping the next the next Ronda Rousey comes at some point OR they’re trying to hoard all the WMMA fighters to the UFC because they don’t want the next Ronda Rousey to end up in Bellator or ONE FC which is one of the main reasons the UFC decided to buy strikeforce to begin with. She was a star on Conan and you could tell Dana hated the fact it was a strikeforce fighter on these late night shows and not a UFC one (however this is never going to happen because Ronda was “new” and WMMA was “new” when she got headkicked by another girl nobody really cared anymore).
  2. WMEIMG doesn’t want to be in the cross fire of just putting all these women out of a job and be labelled “sexist” which could hurt their other entertainment endeavor’s.

so we get headlines like Lemos vs. Andrade and we have to pretend it’s “really exciting, really technical” fights and nobody actually says the quiet part out loud that it’s like watching 2 timid lesbians feint for 25 mins.

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Nobody has asked you to do anything. If you died tomorrow, nobody would notice your lack of input on any subject.

I don’t watch female baseball, or football, or baseball as you asked twice, (or soccer as you put in parenthesis for no reason)

Why do you phrase things like a complete stooge? LMAO

I agree. But they still suck! Imo

Holy fuck.

I’ve never seen someone get so offended about others not being into WMMA.


That dude is always a miserable dick to people on here. Ignore him.

She should change her name to bullwinkle.


Yeah it’s devolved significantly. The likes of Davis & McMann would have handled girls like Chookagian with ease. It’s just annoying it wastes time on cards at this point. There’s 5 Women max across all divisions that deserve to be seen fighting on TV