Rashad's after-party ROCKED!



Man Rashad's late career has been so disappointing. I think Jon Jones took his fight soul.

lionsoul -

Classic thread... was hilarious.

Only thing that beats it is frontrowbrian's monstrosity....

Where the fuck is that thread??

Are you the guy with head in hand?

This reminds me of the guy in the red hoodie with Jon Jones. Someone should TTT that one!

Ragingshaneistheanswer -
lionsoul -

Classic thread... was hilarious.

Only thing that beats it is frontrowbrian's monstrosity....

Where the fuck is that thread??

He ended up deleting all his photos... But by then, a bunch of forum members had already saved them.

You also had a ton of hilarious photoshops.

They are posted here from time to time.

1 Like

Couldn't resist taking a journey down memory lane - especially with Rashad's recent induction into the UFC Hall Of Fame.


And even the "meanest" posts on this thread are two touchdowns cooler than the typical fare encountered on sherdog, such as "Why Do Muslim Fighters Shave Their Armpits?"  Plus I once got a "Double Yellow" over there for posting a link to one of my articles on Bleacher Report.


I now write a weekly column for Sports Central.  Most of the articles deal with the NFL.

1 Like

This reminds me of the guy in the red hoodie with Jon Jones. Someone should TTT that one!

Blupitt and TenOfSwords are fucking legends.

Is Anthony is still alive? His photobucket is still active. 

1 Like

I almost feel like I owe Towe an apology. Too bad he's gone. 

One of the all time great OG threads

jgiveshead -

This reminds me of the guy in the red hoodie with Jon Jones. Someone should TTT that one!

Blupitt and TenOfSwords are fucking legends.

Bluepitt was a great sport about it

Bootsy Collins - You look like Scott Blevins father


AnthonyBrancato = UG legend.

Ahh Scott Blevins


Wonder what he’s up to these days?

TenOfSwords - 

Couldn't resist taking a journey down memory lane - especially with Rashad's recent induction into the UFC Hall Of Fame.


And even the "meanest" posts on this thread are two touchdowns cooler than the typical fare encountered on sherdog, such as "Why Do Muslim Fighters Shave Their Armpits?"  Plus I once got a "Double Yellow" over there for posting a link to one of my articles on Bleacher Report.


I now write a weekly column for Sports Central.  Most of the articles deal with the NFL.

Hey buddy hope all’s well :wink:

This thread is the equivalent of attending a high school reunion for me.

Hi everyone.

How is Anthony and does he still TRANE UFC in the living room with bros?

Has he been back to Vegas?

I forgot all about this thread. Hilarious.

Congrats on the column gig, Ten.

El_Geronimo_de_Gato - 

Congrats on the column gig, Ten.
