
the sad thing is, i think brock will win this. mir is just not good anymore.

Mir by sub early round 1.

And this is after lighting Brock up with punches.

Short for Brocktoon, IMO. If you know anything about that name, you know it's pretty awesome.

Looked it up.................

The name Brock:

Derived from Old English brocc meaning "badger".

WOW.............that is awesome.      I stand by my original statement.

"The hyperbole some people use when trying to legitimize a WWE wrestler is laughable. It's like he's been in an underground bunker learning MMA with the greats for 10 years just waiting until the perfect timet to unveil this amazing MMA specimen."

Hyberbole like Pat Militech saying that Brock was going to be a dominant force in mma? You mean that kind of hyperbole? Pat clearly hasn't trained any top notch fighters before and despite the fact that he worked with Brock early on in his training he's probably just basing that opinion off of WWE hype. Silly Militech.

"It means that just because he's been with the UFC for 7 years, doesn't mean that he is as experienced as someone would hope you'd believe by saying that."

OK... but I think we can perhaps agree on the original point, which is that Brock has ONE MMA FIGHT.

"Yeah, and Vitor beat Vanderlei Silva, so should Vitor get credit for beating the Vanderlei Silva that we see fighting today? No way dude. Silva is a monster compared to when Vitor fought him. Same thing applies here."

Actually, Vitor indeed "gets credit" as proven by the loss on Wand's record. Also, Vitor x Belfort was 1998, TEN YEARS ago. Frank x Timmy was in 2004.

Besides, as I said in my previous post, that wasn't the point. Both Frank and Randy fought Tim for the HW belt, Frank owned him and Randy laid on him and people treat Randy like a god where people like you look for any way you can discredit Frank's dominating win.

WHIPSCRACK-"..."Brock" has got to be the WORST name, ever. frickin' Brock. so stupid."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I went to school w/ a guy named "Brock". His name never stood out as strange or stupid. Just a name. Also, he would have beat you down rather violently for making fun of his name.

"Keep drinking the WWE is awesome kool-aid."

I don't follow fake wrestling. I do follow collegiate wrestling, specifically the Minnesota Gophers. Which is where I first became aware of Lesnar. I also trained bjj albeit briefly with Lesnars coach Greg Nelson. I have reasons for believing why Lesnar will be a force in mma none of them involve the WWE. But keep playing the douche card, there isn't enough loud mouthed fucktards on this board. We can always use more.

As for the Militech quote he said it on this very message board on a post about Lesnar quite a while ago. I don't know if I can find it, but I'll try.

Let's see...some other hyberbole from people who probably don't know as much about mma as you.

"First off Lesnar is a cool dude for the few wks he was here. He showed me some cool tricks too. He was a monster with sick wrestling/power/conditioning/explosiveness which makes him dangerous for anyone even then. Of course he has been tapped out in practice, who hasn't!? That's how you learn!
I'm confident he will probably be too much for Mir. He is training with a great group in MN with the Goat and crew. With more ring experience he will make a big impact."

Nick Thompson says...
"It's like fighting with a bear in a shed," Thompson says. "It's rough."

"He's not just big. It's how fast he is," he explains. "When he first came in, he needed sparring partners for boxing and takedowns. I figured I'd go with him because I've boxed long enough that, even with big guys, I can hold my own, just get in and out and use speed. So we're going and I jab him and he jabs me and his jab is quicker than mine. I was like, 'Uh oh, I'm in trouble.'"

"Then I figure I'll get on the inside and dirty box with him. So I get in there and I'm landing some punches, and I see a hook coming. I fully covered it and it still knocked me halfway across the ring."

Pat Militech says...

"One year from now there will be no one that can touch Brock in MMA."

Put your crack pipes down..

Although I can see Mir catching Brock with a sub [Mir's big enough where Brock might not be able to power out] people are underestimating Brock. His great size and wrestling ability have to count for something. With 3 5 minute rounds Mir is much more likely to gas than Brock. If he really has been training mma hard for two years he should take this one. If he wins is he top 10?

If Lesnar ends up in Mir's guard in th second round, Mir by sub. Otherwise, Lesnar by referee stoppage.

From: Armbreaker v2.0

Tim fought Mir earlier in his career. As a matter of a fact, Tim has had 25 total fights, with the Mir fight being his 10th. I would say it's safe to assume that Sylvia today (the one Couture beat) is alot tougher to beat than the Sylvia that Mir beat, and i'd even go as far as to say Sylvia would probably wreck Mir if they fought today.

Wasn't Mir, Sylvia's 17th fight, and Sylvia was 2-0 in the UFC and 16-0 at that point (at least?)

Regardless, I just want a good performance out of either fighter and no LnP-fest.

brocks cardio will be fine... although it's fake... i think professional wrestling probably takes a ton of cardio, considering the amount of time they keep a high paced "scene" going....

Well a fight is a fight and anything can happen, i think Mir will sub him in the first.

the sweat factor will be the ultimate factor after 2 minutes.

these 2 will circle the cage and paw at each other for 1/2 of a round, then someone will shoot in and get a takedown, and they will lay on one another until the round ends or they get stood back up....repeat until the fight is over....then the judges will give a decision to who ended up on top the most....i'm just not excited about brock lesner as a spectacle/gimmick or frank mir v. anyone


Dude Brock is a gansta name

B-RoK in da house!!

went to school w/ a guy named "Brock".

His name never stood out as strange or stupid. Just a name. Also, he would have beat you down rather violently for making fun of his name. matter how many times your little school friend Brock would have beaten me up...

His name will always be Brock................and thus.............he is beaten up by life.

Brocks cardio may be shity but so is Mir he gases in almost every fight i see

"embarassingly failed stint in an NFL training camp".

That's funny, I live in the Twin Cities and according to the Vikings they were totally blown away with Brock's strength and athleticism, his only downfall was that he had to learn all the plays and how the defense works, they also invited him back the following year.

That's pretty damn impressive for a guy who didn't even play college football, I challenge you to walk on to a NFL camp and see how far you get.

That being said, anyone who is not giving Brock even the slightest chance is a complete moron the guy is an amazing athlete (even if he has a penis on his chest) and is training with a great camp.

I could see this going either way.

Mir has the edge in experience, and BJJ
Brock has the edge in wrestling, strength, and athleticism.