"LOL @ Marve1 posting quotes about Brock from his team like it means something. They're his teammates, what the hell do you think they're going to say?"
You're right. The opinions of people who work with him on a daily basis are worth less then some anonymous internet fucktards.
But you're wrong anyway you fucking idiot. Only one of those people is his teammate. He only trained with Mike C and Militech for one week. Pat Militech is one of the most respected men in all of mma. If you shit on his opinion just because he worked with a guy for one week then you are incredibly retarded. But you already knew that didn't you waterhead.
Jesus! Take it down a notch there, Sally. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings so badly.
((((((((("You're right. The opinions of people who work with him on a daily basis are worth less then some anonymous internet fucktards.")))))))))
If you weren't pissing your pink tutu from your dramatic little tempertantrum, a really smart fella like yourself would notice I never said that.
((((((("But you're wrong anyway you fucking idiot. Only one of those people is his teammate. He only trained with Mike C and Militech for one week. Pat Militech is one of the most respected men in all of mma. If you shit on his opinion just because he worked with a guy for one week then you are incredibly retarded. But you already knew that didn't you waterhead."))))))))
LOL @ your butthurt little wounded post. I didn't "shit on" Pat's opinion, drama queen. They've trained together, they're training partners, whatever terminology you see fit to use here is fine. They're obviously going to speak highly of him.
And anyways, you missed the whole point while you were painting a giant cocksword on your forehead and atomic elbow dropping your little sister. Your sensitive little fairy ass is using "fighter quotes" about training like they actually mean jack shit to how a fighter will perform. Take any fighter that has ever made a debut in MMA, and you can find someone who will say how tough and great they are.
You get in the cage and you prove how tough and great you are, son. The fact you think you can regurgitate opinions of training partners like it means something proves you're the only "internet fucktard" on this thread.
Actually I'm not worked up at all, but I'll try and clarify a few things for you chief.
I never said Brock was going to dominate and destroy everyone in the UFC heavyweight division. My point was that people with a lot of knowledge of the sport feel that he has great potential and that he could be a dominant force. So discrediting the guy for a ridiculous tattoo and wwe experience is being very shortsighted. I know reading comprehension is not your thing so let me add I don't mean that you did that. I mean the large number of other people who have.
Training with someone for one week almost 2 years ago does not make them your teammate.
I think Lesnar could very well lose by sub. But I'm expecting him to win.
I'll hold off on the penis tattoo and the atomic elbows there tough guy. Because as I said in an earlier post I don't follow the wwe. I want Lesnar to win because I followed him as a collegiate wrestler and I have met and trained briefly with his coach. I'm also excited at the prospect of having someone come in and possibly be a dominant force at hw.
I think Mir's best chances lay in not fighting off a Lesnar takedown and working off his back fresh.
I mean if Lesnar wants to stand, which I doubt he would, fine.
But Frank should let Lesnar take him down right away, which is a likely scenario and try finishing him from there with a full tank of gas.
I think Mir's experience will prevail in this fight!