Recovering from BWE

It seems BWE and me are going hand in hand. I've been doing them for over a month now.

What I've noticed is that along with the stretching I do on separate days my speed and overal power is increased. My muscle endurance is through the roof, and i'm toning up and losing fat (though gaining weight because of the muscle).

What I'm having difficulty in is recovery. I find that it takes me 3 days or so until I recover from a bodyweight workout. I don't notice the increase in strength or speed the next day, it take 3-4 in general.

So how do I factor this in with MMA training? I can't be slow, tired, and weak going into class. I'm not peaking for any competition, so I want my strength , speed, and endurance to be good for every class rather than just great on competition day.

Any ideas. Does it normally take this long to recover from pushups? What am I doing wrong?

I eat a good serving of fruit, carbs, and protein every day. Eg breakfast (fruits), lunch (pasta, or bread), dinner (chicken). I try to sleep at least 6-7 hrs although i find I wake up 2-3 times during the night. I'm 38 years old now, and weight 173 at 5'7".

Thanks a bunch.
grappler 2010

Eating and sleeping more are great aids to recovery. It may be worth trying to get 8-9 hrs of sleep (if you can, it can be a bitch trying to get enough sleep)...

Eating more than 1 serving of each food group a day might be beneficial; you could have eggs, toast, and fruit for breakfast, a sandwich (with meat) for lunch, andmore meat for dinner. A meat snack or two during the day might help, too (protein is important for muscle-building activities).

If none of the above help, cut back on your total volume (less reps, less sets, less resistance, fewer workouts, however you like) to a point where you can easily recover, then gradually build back up to your current schedule.

It also may just be that your body is still trying to adjust to the demands you're placing on it. How long have you been on your current schedule? If this is still relatively new, it may just take a few weeks to fully adjust to what you're trying to do.