Religious views during class!

Religion in my estimation has no place for discourse during class in BJJ! An instructor has no business injecting his view as a matter of fact, whether atheism or not! Teach BJJ and if you're butt-hurt about creation or whatever, keep it to yourself! What are you really trying to prove? Next time Carlos Gracie comes to town for a seminar make that the subject for conversation and see how it turns out?

So you'd object to me bringing some snakes to class? I'm a snakehandler Christian and we need to recruit. People seem to get sick a lot at my church so we need to recruit.pastor blames the bad allergy season. Phone Post 3.0

Unless from the outset the instructor has made it clear that he has a faith-based school and curriculum, I agree.

OTOH, I have seen jiu-jitsu and MMA clubs structured around a church and I see no problem with that either, so long as it was made clear from the start. We had a team here in Hawaii called Jesus Is Lord, good guys, and they were clear about where they were coming from so I don't think that's bad.

The Mat Pimp - Unless from the outset the instructor has made it clear that he has a faith-based school and curriculum, I agree.

OTOH, I have seen jiu-jitsu and MMA clubs structured around a church and I see no problem with that either, so long as it was made clear from the start. We had a team here in Hawaii called Jesus Is Lord, good guys, and they were clear about where they were coming from so I don't think that's bad.
Lotta crucifixes? Phone Post 3.0

Did Jesus berimbolo...?

They probably didn't tap

jesus was shredded so hes prob good at bjj

They are offering a service and you are paying for it. If you are uncomfortable then don't pay for the service. Don't know why religious talk scares so many atheists if they don't believe. Phone Post

If they are lecturing the class or trying to enroll people or something it's defo wrong. If they're just having a conversation and religion comes up then everyone should be allowed an opinion.

FlyingKnee_bar - jesus was shredded so hes prob good at bjj

crucifixion is good for the core. no pain, no gain.

JoejitsuMD - 

They are offering a service and you are paying for it. If you are uncomfortable then don't pay for the service. Don't know why religious talk scares so many atheists if they don't believe. Phone Post

It should be kept out (unless stated from the start) as said above because religion is diverse.You don't have to be Atheist. You could be Buddhist,Muslim Agnostic or whatever. What you believe is up to you and shouldn't be forced on other people. You could leave but that's a pretty shitty reason to have to leave because all you want to do is practice Jiu Jitsu.

Not really: nobody's talking about communism here.

Plus: fifty years against two thousand -

BJJMadMonkey - Religion in my estimation has no place for discourse during class in BJJ! An instructor has no business injecting his view as a matter of fact, whether atheism or not! Teach BJJ and if you're butt-hurt about creation or whatever, keep it to yourself! What are you really trying to prove? Next time Carlos Gracie comes to town for a seminar make that the subject for conversation and see how it turns out?
OK. I'll bite. Who are we discussing here? Phone Post 3.0

Learning martial arts is a privilege, not a right. Students are customers, but we're not talking about paying for a product the consumer can order their way. I wouldn't want to train in a gym that pushes religious views on students, but instead of complaining or trying to change things. Simply find a gym that offers jiu jitsu with or without the Jesus, depending on your liking. Phone Post

Jesus was the ultimate technician; he could simply talk people in to submission

BJJ is from a very Catholic/Christian country. My son goes to a strictly Muay Thai school and they have Buddhist statues, should I be offended?

Yoga in a lot of places talks about Hinduism does that mean you aren't going to do it?

Considering a lot of arts come from other places with other religions you can't dictate the curriculum.

Go to all American kung fu and then you might not get a sermon.

Penetration Skills - 
GrahamJ - Not really: nobody's talking about communism here.

Plus: fifty years against two thousand -

stalin killed 7 million.

hitler killed like 2 million.

They had nothing to do with religion.

but continue whining.

...I never whined.

And anti-semitism is rooted in religion.
No religion: no holocaust.

JoejitsuMD - 

They are offering a service and you are paying for it. If you are uncomfortable then don't pay for the service. Don't know why religious talk scares so many atheists if they don't believe. Phone Post

I don't think religious talk "scares" most atheists, thats silly. I think it's a matter of class personally, there are people who avoid talking about religion and politics because its a divisive subject. Used to be a saying that you didn't talk about those things at the dinner table. Some people today are deperate to share every political, religious and moral view so you can blindingly see its a part of their identity.
I agree w Mat Pimp, it has no place unless its a faith bases program. Otherwise keep Jiujitsu just jiujitsu because a lot of us train to escape the daily grind, the talking heads, the News of the day and our basic daily worry and annoyances. Lets not fuck w a good thing by not talking about Jiujitsu while on the jiujitsu mat, we pay for quality training time. Instructors be professional and show some class by keeping it focused on the Jiujitsu .

I dont know man, the way I see it is that its the instructors school.  He can talk about what ever he wants as long as he's paying the rent.  Relegion or otherwise. 

You as the paying student however, have the option to leave anytime you want to.