Remember this Tito/Chuck/Ken sh*tstorm at UFC 51?


LOL at "You got the heart, and you got the body of a fucking myself".

A bunch of the TUF 1 cast sitting right behind Ken. Damn Diego looks young. Phone Post 3.0

explodin - That was the first event I ever went to in person Phone Post 3.0



How was the atmosphere while all that stuff went down?


Much louder than it came across on TV?

explodin - That was the first event I ever went to in person Phone Post 3.0

Same. Tito was running all around the arena the whole event. AA smashing Tim was a great moment too.

Shitstorm is the correct word.

Later Phone Post 3.0

I dont know why chuck got all bent out of shape. All tito said was "so i can beat chucks ass" after saying he hopes he wins and that chuck got the better of him the first time. Chuck was just a douche and made a big scene. Shamrock had a legit issue, but chuck was just rediculous. Phone Post 3.0

I kind of miss the old days back when it was wild. I appreciate how far MMA has come along but I think it's become a little sterile. Guys like Tank and Tito probably would have been fired or at least fined every time they opened their mouths. Phone Post 3.0

TryhardNobody -
Galanis - 

Here's one that never really gets brought up. Closest to a riot I've seen in the UFC. Chuck almost gets in a brawl with one dude here

vtfu been awhile since i saw that one
this Phone Post 3.0

Briggy -
7titofan7 - I dont know why chuck got all bent out of shape. All tito said was "so i can beat chucks ass" after saying he hopes he wins and that chuck got the better of him the first time. Chuck was just a douche and made a big scene. Shamrock had a legit issue, but chuck was just rediculous. Phone Post 3.0
Its personal between the 2. Shut up Phone Post 3.0
Even still, what he said wasnt enough to deserve carry on like that. Just my opinion mate Phone Post 3.0

Man the UFC used to look so white trashy

Later Phone Post 3.0

7titofan7 - 
Briggy -
7titofan7 - I dont know why chuck got all bent out of shape. All tito said was "so i can beat chucks ass" after saying he hopes he wins and that chuck got the better of him the first time. Chuck was just a douche and made a big scene. Shamrock had a legit issue, but chuck was just rediculous. Phone Post 3.0
    Its personal between the 2. Shut up <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></blockquote>
Even still, what he said wasnt enough to deserve carry on like that. Just my opinion mate <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></blockquote>


your opinion... with 7Titofan7 as an sn. That's not an opinion mate that's basically expressing that as a fanboy on one side of a quarrel where your guy got whupped twice, you are still bitter and this is an opportunity to express said bitterness.


Hard to beat the circa 05 era at 205

Vitor Phone Post 3.0

The drama is so entertaining.

To me it confirms that the brand should not be the star, the talent should be.

This was probably my favourite era as a mma fan, I'd seen a few earlier events yet as before but really started loving mma when you had Tito Chuck and Randy as the top lhws Phone Post 3.0

gage949 - Hard to beat the circa 05 era at 205

Vitor Phone Post 3.0

Actual star power... unlike these days.

ChaosOverkill -
7titofan7 - 
Briggy -
7titofan7 - I dont know why chuck got all bent out of shape. All tito said was "so i can beat chucks ass" after saying he hopes he wins and that chuck got the better of him the first time. Chuck was just a douche and made a big scene. Shamrock had a legit issue, but chuck was just rediculous. Phone Post 3.0
    Its personal between the 2. Shut up <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></blockquote>
Even still, what he said wasnt enough to deserve carry on like that. Just my opinion mate <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></blockquote>


your opinion... with 7Titofan7 as an sn. That's not an opinion mate that's basically expressing that as a fanboy on one side of a quarrel where your guy got whupped twice, you are still bitter and this is an opportunity to express said bitterness.


I dont remember mentioning anything about their whole issue. Just that night. The point was, then and there chuck did not need to leave his seat and start a confrontation over what tito said that night. And if u read, i said shamrock had a legit issue, i dont defend the dumb shit tito says and does, u can be a fan and still see logic and still see the issues for what they are. I guess ill have to say it again for you people, ON THAT NIGHT chuck overreacted and carried on for no reason in my opinion. Phone Post 3.0