Remembering the BUFFER 360

This subject riles me up. Why the FUCK can't we get a full camera view of the 360? What fucking bullshit. There's a silver haired man with a golden tan in a million dollar suit and he's jumping in the air to complete a 360 degree revolution---and he incorporates this as part of the job of announcing fights---and we can't see it??? Dumbest call ever.

Bruce---or somebody---got some splainin' to do.

They might as well start censoring Harold Howard's front flipper.

Come to think of it, why don't we all sign a petition to ban everything cool that ever happens in the octagon? Better yet, just force everyone to wear blindfolds. Why should I want to set eyes on the ring girls, or sick knockouts, or a Buffer 360? Sight is overrated. I say we do a touchy-feely UFC. Like an all braille version. Shit sound good to you guys?

PrettyTonyGurgledMyGil - 
WoodenPupa - Why didn't they ever show the 360 on official broadcasts? We don't ever really see Buffer in action.

They stopped showing Buffer doing the snap turn way before the 360  ^^^

This country's been falling apart at the seams. I was just too blind to see it.

Just to come clean about this: I think it's the sick snarl Buffer's got going on. And like, the way he combines it with a 360. SO I'VE HEARD.