Respect 4 B South

I didn't really like Bobby Southworth on season 1 of TUF, but I always seem to find new respect for him when ever a guy can't make weight (Kenny Stevens, Riggs, Lutter, Gabe, etc.) Southworth cut like 20lbs and still knocked Lodune Sincaid out in the 2nd rd. Mad Respect for Bobby Southworth

He very well coulda won the whole thing had he not been on bad end of that questionable decision...he was as good as anyone on the show.


Wow, thanks guys!!!!!!!

For anyone that is interested. I'm still fighting.

I'm currently the StrikeForce Lt. Heavyweight World Champion(def. Vernon White). Also, am currently in negotiations to fight for BoDogfight at 205!!!

Thanks much Ajax!!

Good luck Bobby!

Had the pleasure to meet Bobby in Costa Rica in Feb.

He was all class on that trip.
Don´t forget, look south of the border....

Perhaps next time in will be helping you out on location.

Bobby should get a rematch with Bonnar no doubt.

Have you talked to Dana about fighting in the ufc?

I don't think there should be too much bad blood between Bobby and Ddana. He did a great job cutting weight a 2nd time after Forest got that cut over his eye and was questionable to fight Sam Hoger.

Boby wasn't ncie to dana obviously after the loss to Bonnar, but I can udnerstand his frustration at not wanting to hear Dana's pep talk. He was one of the more experienced guys on the show not a young guy like Josh Koescheck, Kenny Florian,etc.

Dana put him in his place, and he seemed to shut up after that and quit wigging out. I assume White isn't holding a grudge against him.

I met him briefly in CRica as well.  He was pretty kool guy.

go bobby

that Bonnar fight was close as hell. I don't think it counts as a robbery, but you can make a case for Bobby no doubt.

cutting weight is too much fun. God I miss it! :(

That's right Joey. THANKS FOR THE BEERS my man, I completely forgot.

And yes guys,........I wouldn't mind that rematch!!!!

I'm sure we'd all like to fight in the UFC.

Another example of Dana playing favorites.B-South deserves another UFC shot IMO.Definatly more than Nate Quarry who didnt even fight on the show.

LOFL did I really just read that? Quarry is an excellent fighter who drops bombs. He got injured and that's why he couldn't fight on the show. Right now he has another very serious injury in his spine, or else he would still be fighting.

Yeah I have props for anyone who can endure the sauna treatment to lose 20lbs and then turn around with a big KO.He has one of the best counter pouncher games in mma.Both my kids love him as well.

Good luck on your upcomeing fights as well.

Oh yeah you killed me when you were makeing fun of Hogars man boobs.Diddle diddle diddle.



I have to admit new respect for Southworth and the weight cutting issue.

Never denied his talent though. He's a good 205 champ for Strikeforce.


Does this mean the UG has finally accepted me!!


Bobby's gonna send gabe a thank you card,lol. Or some type of cake would be nice too.