Rest In Peace Sean “the cannon” Gannon

Fuck this is heartbreaking.

R.I.P. Yeah he seemed like a cool guy. His comments on subjects like law enforcement and fighting were always delivered in an interesting and mature manner. Usually with none of the typical internet BS like trying to check everyone on being “wrong” or “stupid” for having a different opinion.


We’re you at the Kimbo Gannon fight?

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Kimbo Vs Gannon 2
God is the referee


To the other posters confused…

Yes it looks confusing as said before in this thread. 2 Sean Gannon police officers (both from Mass) and both K9 units.

I do remember the thread now, and I will try n find it as we were all concerned in 2018 when the other non MMA Sean Gannon died and we thought it was our Sean (given his job)

@GladiatorGannon posted in the thread and confirmed it wasn’t him, which was a relief at the time (still sad for the officer that lost his life on duty)

And a dark day for the UG and America given the date 9/11

I never met Sean, but I have never heard a bad word said about him and he was a total gent on this forum

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No sir, I was a mere 3,000 miles away, but I was there in spirit. Ha. I remember everything about it, the build up, the time, was it really going to happen, could it live up to all the excitement, were we really going to get to view it (was still in the days when streaming was a total crap shoot). Watching it, I had adrenaline coursing through my body… fighting, blood, guts, rules, interference, arguing, heart, lumps, winner.

Rest in Peace, Sean

Too many of the old school are leaving too soon.




Thanks @rushinbear best mod in the UG

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RIP to a true legend.

He will be missed!


Rest In Peace, Sean.



He taught me what verbage would be needed in order not to incriminate one’s self during a transaction with a prostitute. He was always dropping knowledge, and had lots of it. Nice guy & will be missed here.



go on



That’s horrible, he seemed like a terrific dude. Very sad to hear this.

RIP Sean.

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In case it hasn’t been mentioned yet (and i don’t mind if i’m 2nd to it, because it’s worth remembering)
Sean ‘The Cannon’ Gannon found himself in trouble with the Boston Police Department when he turned in a high ranking ‘Dirty Cop’ who was allegedly framing ‘innocent black teens’. He also went to the FBI with documents alleging sexual assault and a cover-up by the police.

“Turned in a dirty cop that was framing innocent black teens, and went to the FBI with documents alleging a sexual assault and police cover-up. My reward was being relieved of duty and ordered to turn in my badge and gun. There is a guy at my station that has killed two innocent, unarmed people so far. When I was on his shift, they would commonly leave me inside and put him on the street. There are only so many inside slots available, and my Shift Commander isn’t allowed to substitute his judgment for the Department’s orders. I’m inside, he’s outside. He was an epic piece of shit. If those words aren’t appropriate for him, they don’t belong in the English language. I’ll take my suspension and wear it as a badge of honor. Besides, after the things he’s done, and the things they covered up for him….they haven’t got the STONES to try and suspend me for that."


Cool AMA he did, worth a read. I think most of us would want to be remembered in our own words. He even shouts out this place many times, including “Kirk” and Icy Mike in his first answer.


I actually forget, it was so long ago. Probably ten years.

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Terrible news to come across. I always liked reading his stuff. He and @PhillyFights use to have great conversations about the criminal aspects of the drug world on the streets. Now both of them are gone. Fucking sad. RIP