Reyes/Franca: Matchmaker Question?

my bet is he aint dead

Where is that dude that e-mailed him as a fan?? Somebody fake being his biggest fan and e-mail him. Manny will do anything for attention and if you give him some he will have to respond.

wtf. now he is dead. he was supposed to die after his fight with franka.

Can anybody confirm that Manny Reyes was a living breathing human being?

good question csc

I think its clear there is a "Manny Reyes Jr.", the guy who fought in three shows and is listed on Sherdog complete with photos:

Its seems the real question is whether or not this was the guy that was posting on here and challenged Franca. It shouldn't be too difficult to track down the Manny Reyes Jr. that fought in KOC and see if he's the same guy Migueli talked with.

One SIded War - e-mail me at


I've seen the Sherdog entry many times but can we confirm that HE was the person on this forum?I could say that I'm Kirik as long as he never speaks up....

Told ya. Coincidence or.............

i knew manny didn't have the balls to fight a real fighter.he only fights his make believe lords guys can call his dad's school and verify any rumors @ Senior Professor Manny Reyes
9th Degree Black Belt
555 E 25th St.
Hialeah, FL 33013
(305) 696-0099

TTT for answers!!

Dead or not dead?

Show or no show??


not dead

no show


They are not gonna show. Might wanna set up a couple more fights.

I read that he is training with Royce in preparation for Franca, anybody contact Royce? Maybe he knows.

I read he can fly and shoots fireballs out of his eyes, anybody?

The fireballs thing is just a rumor.

You have to be a man now and face the music. You and your buddy Thunder talked alot of trash and now its time to take care of business. If you show up and fight like a man, even if you lose, people will respect you. If you don't even show , then you are a straight punk!

Be a man and takes your lumps. It sounds like you are a good fighter, so give it your best shot.

Everyone here knows that you are not dead. That is a cowards way out.

Be a man bro and fight Hermes.