Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

Not sure if he’s a troll or what. Has been on many threads being the annoying contrarian

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Why are you adding in stuff that he doesn’t claim in his book?
He addresses Yakuza mgt, betting on Pride, and the Saku/Royler stoppage and makes no mention of any of it being the reason he never fought for them instead.
He fought Funaki at the independent event because that was the biggest money offer.
He was later offered $5m by Pride to fight Sakuraba but turned it down due to his grieving over Rickson and trying to support his family at that time.
At no point does he say he refused to deal with them after the Royler stoppage.


stand them up during a clean submission ? Roylers arm was about to be ripped off


I would like to have seen Royler’s shoulder dislocated or him tapping, it was stopped too early under the rule set and my personal expectations. Royler is crazy flexible, I think Sak could have finished him and would like to have seen that happen so no excuses. If I remember right, Royce was screwed as well against yoshida. But no sympathy for Royce because he kicked Ken in the balls in their final fight and celebrated the win like a twat.


Some of us were following the sport back them and remember the stories instead of thinking some book has all the answers.

Rickson last fought for Pride in 1998

Royler gets jobbed in November 1999

Rickson fights in Coloaseum May 2000

Rockson dies in December 2000

So almost 3 years later when he’s fighting for another organization he’s going to fight Sakuraba in Pride? Rickson was set to fight Ogawa at that time. Go look it up on Google instead of your holy book.

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Call the match from a submission hold that was applied for over a minute and isn’t in position to finish? They called it because Sakuraba wouldn’t move and kept Royler restrained. They later said it was because Royler was not effectively defending and unable to advance his position. Guess I’ll just take your back, wrap my arm around your neck and stay locked tight until the ref stops the match even though your not getting choked out and are fine.

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Why don’t you disprove what in saying instead of trying the old “He was trolling in other threads…” What threads dipshit? The forum has new features that make it easy to link to any of my posts with one button click. Why don’t you show some proof instead of just spouting bullshit?

@31:43 Royler is literally smiling and laughing in the kimura after hitting Sakuraba with repeated knees.

@31:49 Referee stops the fight.


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I have a lot of respect for Royler, more than any other Gracie. He was tough and would probably preferred to have his arm and shoulder shedded.

I respect Renzo more than any other Gracie (other than Carlson Sr.). Renzo was willing to fight anyone.


Royler too. I like Renzo as well. I didn’t care for Ryan. I liked Rickson and wish he fought better competition.


lol at holy book. It’s his autobiography and he doesn’t come off looking very good in it during many parts. He’s pretty honest about his own faults in it for maybe the first time publicly.

Refusing to deal with Pride after screwing his brother is a pretty good zen Samurai answer that his fanboys would love. If it were true, why wouldn’t he use it?

I followed the sport back then but the problem with ‘remembering the stories’ is many of them were unconfirmed in the first place and then just get repeated as fact. There were reports of offers for Ogawa, Choshu Riki, and Sakuraba but none are proof he refused to deal with Pride.

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How should I know? That’s the problem with you guys. Someone answers one of your questions with some info you haven’t heard before and right away it turns into some kind of “gotcha” contest where you start asking a million personal questions trying to disprove everything I say that doesn’t coincide with whatever story you heard.

Oh now you’ve heard about the reports of offers for Ogawa and others that weren’t mentioned in “The Book”. One second I’m full of shit and the next you’re repeating what I say. Lol.

I never said you were full of shit about Ogawa. Although he wasn’t ‘set to’ fight him. That implies it was ready to go. But either way I wasn’t talking about that.

I said you are wrong about Rickson refusing to ever deal with Pride again due to the Royler stoppage. That’s the point I keep correcting you on as there is nothing anywhere to back that up.



you Jedi mind tricked me, I did not remember Royler smiling and laughing, watched the clip and confirmed my memory, at no time in that kimura was Royler “smiling/laughing”. Still shouldn’t have been stopped though.


It’s quite common for Latin American men to let the woman take care of the kids and tend to the house duties, there are a lot of great athletes that tend not to be the most active parents. Rickson is just a flawed dude like everyone else. There are numerous accounts of world class black belts that can attest to Rickson’s level of Jiu-Jitsu, in his prime everyone said he was on another level.


Not really,maybe your words would be taken seriously if you could find one good thing to say about the greatest JJ player ever. You just hate and it is clear from your rambling posts how triggered you are.

You dismiss the words of world class athletes with the gayest reasons. They are not a bias few…with out exception everybody who has ever rolled with the man sings his praises.

You think maybe he wasn’t the best fighter of his time and you might be correct…as a whole we could never say who the best fight of this generation is,so there is no hope for consensus on who was the best fighter 25yrs ago.

Your obvious hate and bias has clouded your argument to include bjj…there you are so wrong you look foolish.


He’s not even close to being the best.