Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

What retarded logic is that? Royler wasn’t an Mma fighter and got destroyed. You people are sick for wanting to see him get injured significantly first before losing as that’s literally what would have happened.

Then royler embarsssd his entire fucking family losing to bravo and being solely responsible for giving him a name and platform. Oh wait, now every stoner pussy anti science guardpuller with gauges in his ears and anime rash guards has a place to train now. Awesome.


The Gracies are such “terrible MMA fighters” that they have beat Shamrock, Severn, Kimo, Saku, Waterman, Randleman, Prangley, Kondo, Jardine, Anthony Smith, Miyata, Kawajiri, Funaki, Ed Ruth, Fitch, Newton, Miletich, Mo Smith, Kikuta, Taktarov, Sakurai and Takase among others.

I wish I was that terrible at MMA.

All those families of wrestlers and kickboxers have just done so much better in MMA over the past twenty five years. Man the list of families that have done better in MMA is just endless.


I’ve seen Sakuraba getting utterly destroyed and pull off unbelievable comebacks. Much easier when you have the refs on your side.


That fight was ridiculous, still different from having a sub fully locked in.

Insert ducking argument or some such avoidance argument.

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like rickson or not he would be the hardest gracie of that time to beat

nothing to be embaresed facing the best and losing or losing to Bravo who like him or not is a great grappler.What have you done to be so critical of them

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also the size difference played a big part

No he isn’t. He beat one guy. He never won or placed at any major tournament outside of adcc qualifiers. He pulled out of the tournament after beating royler and getting embarrassed by viera and competed once more against him. That’s his entire body of work outside of smaller tournaments. He’s another guy who quit in his prime and ducked everybody because it was more valuable to his persona to stand back and sit on the one win compared to competing and getting beaten.

Baret yoshida took second that year and has been competing the entire time since. He just had a match a few months ago. Baret is also a much better grappler and instructor but he’s not a loudmouth conspiritard who hangs with Rogan.

Eddie pulled a Rickson.

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nothing to be embaresed losing to Viera or high ranking blackbelt, ADCC qualifiers are no joke Did u qualify for ADCC ?Beating Royler by sub and then dominating him in rematch is impressiveWhats your belt rank ( Im purple ) What have u done to equal Bravo or Rickson ?


Based on what? He did nothing in MMA. And that implies he would be harder to beat than Renzo, which is nuts.

thats my opinion .Nobody including you has seen him lose.Renzo has lost many times and clearly states Rickson is on another level,.I agree he didnt face the best of that era but my opinion is he would be very hard to beat and was great at finding a way to win and unlike most Gracies was good at getting the top position.I respect people who say he didnt face the competition Renzo did but my opinion s he was the best Gracie of that era baised on dominating every fight True mnot against the best and baised on what Renzo and other Gracies say

So you are either a troll or a fucking idiot. Those comments were made in 2006 when Paulo was still undefeated and on a 7 fight wen streak in Pride. So if you are a troll, please try way harder than just coming off as a fucking idiot.

Nonsense. Plus you’re a blue belt. Fuck off.

It’s always funny when people say “He never fought anyone.” “He never fought a name fighter”. Rickson was the name fighter everyone wanted to fight to get famous… Nobody ever got on a mic and said they wanted to fight Mark Kerr or Randy Couture.The Gracie family was always the name to beat. Who was there to fight that was this career defining big name that would validate him in your minds? Sakuraba? He got big for beating Gracies. Rickson fought several times and the reason you’re unimpressed and don’t believe the hype is because he was so dominant that he made it look easy.


That’s nonsense. There are so many names in BJJ I whole heartedly respect. They all happen to be humble guys who can back it up with a bunch of legitimate wins and credentials. They don’t have a bunch or lore and legend being a majority of of their legitimization.

He also sold himself as a some kind of special guru human who knew and could do special things when it just turns out he was out getting fucked up and fucking chicks. Like, fuck you, dude. That’s so patronizing. Bunch of mystical charlatans. If that’s the kind of bullshit you respect it says a lot about you.


Ruas, Rutten, Sakuraba etc…

When did Ruas, Rutten or Sakuraba say they wanted to fight Mark Kerr?

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Yeah, don’t put bas and ruas in the same category as sakuraba. Do not insult Sak like that.

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first off Id take Ruas or Bas over Sak in mma especially Ruas due to size But why u so disrepectful to legands of the sport first Rickson and Royler now Bas and Ruas What have u done to be so critical ??

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