Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

I think I trained with Barrett a million years ago at Eagan’s. Could be wrong.

I mean as personalities/icons. Sak is a head above and took on all comers.

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I don’t think Rickson beats Taktorov

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Renzo didn’t seem to have much trouble beating him.

Renzo couldn’t take him down & landed that upkick fast.

That was flukish. Legit win for sure, but that isn’t happening every time they fight in a hypothetical sitch.


what have u done ? what is ur belt rank

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And what did it get him?..some of the worst beatings in mma history.

Although it was pride that kept over matching him looking for a miraculous win to showboat the Japanese flighting spirit.

My point still stands.

I prefer to go by actual events instead of hypothetical sitchs.

Rickson by armbar


The birth of Shooto in the 80’s and then Pancrase in the 90’s and the 80’s/ 90’s vale tudo scene in Brazil as well as the launch of the UFC in the early 90’s is all related to Rickson’s career in NHB/MMA as well.

Rickson’s prime as a competitor was from around 1978 (20 years old) to around 1994 when he was already 36 years old. Almost no money in the vale tudo/shootfighting/nhb scene in 94.

A functioning sport with predictable pay, rules and weight classes was not even a reality in Rickson’s prime.

Sometimes when people bash his record it seems they totally ignore what MMA prizefighting was and what it was not in his prime.

People might as well bash Kevin Jackson for all the fights he did not take in his 40’s.

The point is, the modern sport of MMA was just being born at the end of Jackson’s and Rickson’s primes and their base styles were what they dedicated their lives to, not some prizefighting shows that were just starting to boom as they approached 40.


no red belt in BJJ…what have u done to be so critical if Gracies and Bravo Have u been in ADCC or even qualifiers or even Naga ?whats ur BJJ belt

the harder you train the luckier you get " Renzo Gracie One of my all time favorite quotes said after the fight

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Not made a bunch of nonsense claims or accepting undeserved clout from sycophants.

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whats ur BJJ belt ? who do u train under ? pretty disrespectful to put these guys down the way u do.Royler ,Rickson,Royce and now Ill add Ruas,Bas and Bravo like them are not are well known world wide and are legands of their sports ? u are a nobody who criticizes any post on the Gracies like you have done something .Rickson was undefeated in grappling .when Hugo Duarte and the japanese guy i forget his name came t Ricksons Academy He fought and whooped both Who have u fought ? have u defended a dojo ? .Royler has won many Mundials and an ADCC so has Kerr.What have u done ?

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Yogi Anjo.


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