Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

Yeah I find that difference between the two of them fascinating.
Rickson has the formal education of a 12yr old and has never had a job.
Rorian graduated university with a law degree, worked in Hollywood and created a successful business empire in America.


No pictures of her in the book and Rickson considers Helio’s wife his real mother. She apparently couldn’t have kids so Helio outsourced it.
Weirder still is his story of his younger brothers. Apparently one day Helio asked him if he’d like younger brothers and when he said yes, he took him to a house and introduced him to Royler, Rolker, Royce.
Helio was a weird guy lol … Rickson is surprisingly critical of him in the book about many aspects of his life.


Probably harbors resentment due to his own issues.

Rickson didn’t like the way Helio treated his wives. He wasn’t a fan of polygamy.


Some GREAT MMA fans posting in here

So he didn’t know of the younger brothers until Helio introduced them? So Helio was a crackpot leading a double life? Helio has more in common with Charles Manson than he does with Bruce Lee. He was a cult leader.

I am Scottish and no way are Rorion, Relson and Rickson 50% Scottish and 50% African. Not saying Rickson or others in this thread claiming they are but I can confirm they are not. There are 1 billion bloodlines in Brazil, if Helio is 100% Scottish then Rickson has more than the African bloodline on his mother’s side.

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But didn’t he say in the book he himself is/was a champion philanderer?


Helio’s mother was Brazilian.

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Anyone signed up for his online stuff?
I don’t expect anything mind blowing but after reading his book I kind of want to listen to him ramble more about jiujitsu.

The fundamentals section is 5 videos of around 50mins each. That on its own sounds like it could be interesting enough.

Respectfully, and without addressing any of your other points one way or the other, the “f@ckery” around wanting more money is one of the reasons MMA fighters of his time and subsequent times were able to make such money as they did.

An interesting corollary happened in professional hockey: “Legends Howe, Gretzky low-balled brethren - Baltimore Sun

Good for Rickson for pricing himself the way he did. Kim was the actual negotiator. He got paid hundreds of thousands for fights when the UFC was paying change. He was a smart business man.


You can’t put a price on aura, bro.

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bro aura is priceless

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Hahaha you are so deluded. Automatically making claims based on hearsay and false projection. Just because someone does not share your disdain does not mean they have the polar opposite view of yours. You literally know nothing about Rickson but are comfortably making claims as if you are an expert. All you have to do is simmer down and acknowledge your lack of information.

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We do know, because he did fight 11 matches. What’s the magic number of fights you need to see in order to “know what he could have been”? Would beating Sakuraba answer all the questions and automatically validates his Career?

i agree with ur basic arguement but yes beating Sakuraba would have validated his career


Sakuraba is an all time great; beating him in his prime would have given the argument that Rickson was one of the greats.