Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

Pretty darn neat.

I remember reading from far away that he had a school in HI and there was a Gracie in HI. Used to wonder if should go to HI to learn BJJ, but probably ended up falling asleep on the couch and forgetting about it or. having to study or something.

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He and the Onzuka twins and Scott used to teach out of his garage and then they had the classes at UH. I didn’t like the vibe at UH so I mainly spent time in the garage. It was a really cool time to be in Hawaii. You had Enson and Egan, Relson and his group, the Relson feud etc. There were NHB tournaments everywhere. They started in a run down dingy bar by the airport (Gussie L’amours) on wrestling mats and the bathrooms as the warm up places. A bunch of us from Relson’s went to watch. That (FutureBrawl) turned in to SuperBrawl at the Blaisdell. Shaquille O’Neil used to show up at tiny ass shows; he’s a legit fan from the beginning. Baret Yoshida was a STUD out of Grappling Unlimited and then eventually BJ made his entrance. I remember interviewing Ralph in his dojo in Mountain View and BJ was a student in that class. Good fucking times.


the riot at the 1998 pan ams was a cosmopolitan affair.

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That is apparently another issue Carlson had with Helio - Carlson acknowledged that he himself lost a fight and Helio didn’t like him admitting it. Seems Carlson liked JJ and fighting but didn’t like the cult, so he left.


He’s the man

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So much hate on this site, it’s too bad

No, it’s objectivity. You bought into the bullshit, so you’re not going to be apt to agree because that means admitting you were grifted.


There are a lot of weirdos on this site because they know they can be anonymous. I bet these ninny’s would never talk shit to Rickson’s face or anyone else’s for that matter.

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Making a bunch of public bullshit claims opens you to public criticism. He could have just been a humble dude who did jiu jitsu instead of superhuman zen warrior who could tap out a room of jkd dorks in 93.

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I usually like your posts on these kinds of subjects, but you take things too seriously.

Just in sentiment. I don’t really give a shit when I’m out around people. I’m a different person online. I just get off being aggressively negative and you obviously can’t go out and do that in the real world.

Also, here’s a new gem. The future of jiu jitsu right here lmao

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He’s always doing vids with that girl.

So, when did Rickson start teaching girls…? (serious question)

A girl I did traditional jujitsu with told me she went to Rickson’s and he told her, straight out, he doesn’t teach women. (This was 20+ years ago).


Gracie striking rule number one, stick your chin out as far as possible.

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He’s trying to break away from his father’s traditions I guess.

Probably about the time he got a young woke white wife.

He’s old and shit, so I’d assume he’s definitely made some big time concessions in the home, their relationship and his life to make her want to stick around.

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He’s done demos in the past with his ex.

Rickson is the biggest bullshitter in the history of combat sports. If he was that good, he would have actually went in and competed against some legit competition (it should have been very easy for him if we believed in the stories of his prowess). It is likely Sakuraba would have beaten him, maybe even by armbar as he did to a host of his brethren.


Frank Dux might disagree with you