Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

and i question funaki.

Some of you speaking of MMA fights, MMA records, level of MMA competition are creating a bit of a false equivalence.

Comparing MMA records and fights is a bit like discussing paintball parks.

That said perhaps Rickson should not comment so much on MMA or be regarded as a master of MMA.


Ricksons contribution to MMA is unparalleled. He was holding up the MMA mountain like the hulk in the 80s. His story and his aura and and family history makes MMA that much more Mysterious and amazing. Sure things may have been exaggerated like it is for all great men who achieve great things.

Without him and his accomplishments and dedication to MMA there would be no PRIDEFC.

Don’t ever forget that.

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Everything you just said is untrue.

It’s pretty rich how most of the guys dismissing rickson and his legitimate accomplishments, worship bruce lee and his completely fictitious accomplishments. While it’s true that rickson has a small flock of annoying delusional believers, it’s nothing compared to the church of the tiny dancer.

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lol Who are these ‘most guys’ you’re talking about?
I’ve never see this pro Bruce anti-Rickson contingent.

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What’s hard to understand? A lot of the same people that call rickson, who is a legitimate fighter whose reputation is built on actual competition, bullshit, believe that the tiny dancer, a fraud whose reputation is built on choreography and plagiarism, is a legitimate master and lethal weapon


And i question your intelligence then.

Who are you talking about though? I don’t see that in this thread or on this forum.
If a dude isn’t satisfied with Rickson’s actual real fights and bjj competition, I’m not sure how they’d be satisfied with Lee’s movie fights.

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Rickson is a legitimate fighter, but to say his reputation is built on actual competition is ridiculous. It’s built on word of mouth. And agree Bruce Lee is nothing but a glee club midget


Yeah, and how many funaki fights weren’t worked “shoots”. More than one.

I love how suzuki is still working a full pro wrestling schedule 25 years later lol.


Who wins in 1995?
Ken taps out Severn for the UFC belt.
Rickson is the Vale Tudo champion in Japan.


Well then you’re a poopy head.

Funaki was a pro-wrestler who did some shoot fights (fixed matches). He wasn’t exactly a who’s who in MMA. Who knows how legite he was.

Rickson by sub.

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They will both lose because neither will be able to get out of their bed for 3 days afterward.

You know roided up Ken would beat the fuck out of those guys in training lol.

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He not just built on word of mouth like some mystical guy who claims he can fight.

Rickson was the Gracie family badass for many years in Brazil and we al know he’d beat the ever living fuck out of his brothers and cousins aside from maybe Roger. Most like Royce, Renzo, Ralph, etc prob have that big brother fear of him as well. Its well known Rickson was to be the original choice form UFC but his and Rorions issues stopped that.

We also got to see him compete and IMO he could do just as well prob better than Renzo & Royce did.

Name the last paternal gracie who has done anything in Jiu jitsu or mma. Using their name to legitimize Rickson doesn’t mean anything.

Royler actually went out there and won world championships. Had no fear of testing himself or fighting bigger opponents in mma. He’s twice the jiujitsutero Rickson ever was.

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I was going to say Roger but I think his mom was a Gracie.