Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

Because your just a yuongster and clueless to it all I guess, rickso had the opportunity to tajke advange of his name and make millions fighting who the Japenes wanted him to over fighting for peanuts “Proving himself” Pride was created on the Gracie name vs the most popular Jap pro wreslter. No shame in taking the job that offers millions instead of peanuts. He proved himself as the best Gracie for years and it paid off finacially. God your such a faggot.

I started jiu jitsu literally decades ago.

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That makes the shit you talk even smell worse. You’ve been into to JJ this long and talk like you do about Rickson. 20915294_10156036393301416_3312512186293498738_n

Rickson was the family champion after Rolls,but I believe they rolled at family gatherings instead of Vale Tudo.

So you’re a black belt?


He did not compete against anyone near the level that Royce and Renzo did, and everything else you described is word of mouth.

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Ken was a decent wrestler who thought he was a good boxer too, but he was just a shoot fighter. Nothing more.

I’m NOT an expert in sport BJJ history. I know a couple guys who know everything about Sport BJJ history, but that’s not me. I know some stuff about BJJ in Brazil in the 90s.

About Rickson vs Sperry I think Sperry’s record is a little more accomplished then Rickson because --as mentioned above. Although they are not that different in age, Rickson & Sperry were kind of competing in different eras --yes, there was overlap, for sure-- but Rickson was not competing in ADCC or events of that caliber. (Rickson is 62 Sperry is 55)

Rickson Dominated in his prime, but jiu jitsu exploded around the end of Rickson’s sport BJJ comp days, when the Carlson team was dominating everything in Brazil. There was just a LOT more jiuj jitsu going on and it was a lot more popular than when Rickson was smashing everyone.

Sperry was competing in one of the golden ages of BJJ, in terms of talent.

I’d agree Sperry had MORE high level matches than Rickson --in Sport BJJ / grappling.

I’m not saying Sperry is BETTER than Rickson --Rickson may be better at BJJ than Sperry, I honestly don’t know-- but in Sport BJJ/ sub-wrestling specifically I can’t see how Rickson’s record dwarfs Sperry. That’s just my perspective.


He could do submissions and is better than you know, no one beat Severn like that at the time or Kimo at the time or Bas x2, and he changed Royces life with a punch landed in overtime, he defended the sport on Larry king live, there was a small window where he was really good


True. But he was lacking in a lot of areas. Severn and Rutten were not submission specialists at the time they fought Ken. Also, Royce tapped him out in UFC 1. Ken has had no major win against a BJJ’er. He couldn’t finished Oleg either.

His fights with Frye, Ortiz, Otsuka, et al showed how average his striking was. He was a boxer/kickboxer ONLY in his mind. I supposed he changed his strategy from GnP and leg locks to stand-up, which was based on his knee injuries [He couldn’t shoot in anymore].

Ken was alright, and he’s made some accomplishments, but he was not that big of a deal. I still believe Rickson beats him by submission in their primes.

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Severn knew about guillotine chokes they have different names in wrestling for moves like that like they have different name for kimuras,

Bas started training subs right when he started pancrase and did more so after losing to Shamrock the first time, the knee bar he caught him with was really good and to deny that is ridiculous

When Ken left the ufc for wwf his career as a top guy was over, when he comes back he’s not the same fighter, you can see it in his physique and training videos so I don’t even count that period for anything

Its like people that argue against fedor or big Nog bring up the fights they lose way after their primes like they are same fighters, no big deal, Shamrock could’ve stalled in the guard of Rickson and get a draw maybe I don’t know


you’re clearly a tuf newb who doesn’t know jack about shit. There are people just as ignorant as yourself, who will read your retarded yammering on a subject you clearly know nothing about, and take said yammering as being correct. This is how society degenerates. The stupid slowly grows as you skip gaily along, sewing ignorance like a retarded johnny appleseed, and society regresses as the fruits of your labour bloom


You can’t prove me wrong. Who the fuck was Funaki? Outside of pro-wrestling and shoot fights, what has he accomplished? When he finally fought someone with skills (Rickson) he got smoked.

Go back to posting ugly chicks of yesteryear on that other thread, prick.

I’m kind of confused by your use of the term “shoot fights” here. Are you implying they were works or considering it unrelated to MMA because the rules are so different.

I can understand an argument against Funaki, sort of.

But watching him grapple it’s undeniable he was an extremely high level grappler. Just because he’s from a strange era where the rules of MMA were not sussed out yet doesn’t invalidate his achievements.

And let’s not forget that Pancrase came before the UFC. His contribution to the lexicon of MMA is not trivial.

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Like a few of you have said. I respect what they’ve done but can’t stand listening to any Gracie speak.

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We have a say in Brazil: “To the swamp rats, pure water sounds to be the bad ideas.”


I can confirm to this my friend. We are also think to make protest to the government Brasil that they do replacing of Cristo Redentor with statue of o grande Deus Helio Gracie.

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