Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

poor little guy, probably just doing the best he can, reaching out for any kind interaction that isn’t

STFU You stupid tufnewb

You got me. I’m a tufnewb indeed.

What gave me away, my semi-irrational belief that most Pancrase fights were above board and that Funaki was better than Royce?

I wouldn’t know because:


jew hate? LOL No one is hating jews.

he’s not unblocked

this is permanent

So the dirty little red bastard is a anti-semite too? And to think i was going to buy him a heater for his shed because i felt sorry for the little guy out there with no heat

I need to recall the time frame to maybe put some of it in perspective, but Royce was an active fighter at the time. A friend was home visiting from the service and decided we should drive 500 plus miles to a Royce seminar.

I recall feeling like very little was taught and it was a very rigid structure.

Giant crowd.

Right at the start Royce asked if any doctors were in the crowd, I answered " I am not a doctor but I have watched a lot of episodes of Doogie Howser MD so I feel more than qualified to answer any questions you may have."

Strange silence, then his wife who was a blue belt laughed and the entire crowd erupted into laughter. Royce just stared blank right at me deadpan. I figured maybe he did not get the joke, but he did not look happy.

The next items are over the course of the event.

Off to a good start, a bit later I ask him about a technique that was being reviewed and he seemed very “stick the program” response. Felt like he kind of ignored the question and blew off the idea of following up with detail.

Myself and a pal jokingly told his wife that we were having problems with our feet and asked if she had a medical opinion or advice. She was super nice got the joke rolled with the punches etc. Royce was watching like an eagle from across the room.

Later as Royce and the assistants for the seminar circulated we would ask her if we were doing techniques properly and she was helpful reviewing techniques. While practicing a RNC Royce makes his way over and asks if we need help " Nah Royce thanks she is helping and is a good teacher." Again he kept that stern demeanor seemed a little agitated almost pissed off look.

Later while chatting with Royce a bit I asked if he knew Gokor. The question got his attention he zeroed in a bit more and he mentioned that Gokor had just stopped by his school to “say hi.” At some point during that conversation he brought up competitors sending people to his seminars to mess around and try to cause trouble or prove a point. Shortly after he brought up this topic with a larger group about people being sent to his seminars from other schools to cause trouble or to challenge students. Goofy stuff.

It was a fun day, but as far as seminars go not a good one at all.

Good memories met a few people my pal ended up training with later in the midwest but don’t feel like learned much that day.


So you made the whole thing about you and your shitty joke after he asked a serious question and you expected a guy like him to be receptive? Why would you act like that at someone else’s seminar? I’m not surprised he’d feel disrespected and not going out of his way to answer your questions.

I’m on his side from that account.


Frank beats royce easily.


that was at bubba bret’s seminar wasn’t it?

Put me down like corky in life goes on?


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I don’t know who hosted it but I think you may be right.

I searched for seminars in that town trying to figure out which year it was and found a UG thread that referenced that name.

What made you guess that ? Funny but I think you may be right


The seminar I went to was kinda similar, except he didn’t walk around and “correct” people. After he taught each move, he went to the side of the mat where he was having what looked like a business meeting with a few guys. He did that for the whole seminar; teach then ignore as his assistants walked around and corrected people.

There were 55 people there, probably 45 were White Belts.

He was really snappy at people --pissed off-- the whole time. He tells a white belt to come put him in a headlock then scolds him for putting him in the “wrong” kind of headlock. People laughed uncomfortably.

The seminar said “gi & no gi” on the flyer so it was a mixed group. About 30% of the people didn’t have a gi on. He scolded me for not wearing a gi when he found out I was a Black Belt. (This was during the period he was wearing a Blue Belt to teach in “protest” of all the Black belts out there.) If I wore a Black Belt, I have a feeling he probably would have scolded me for that. The guy was just a prick.

Then he divided the class up into people who had been (IIRC) training a year or more and people who had been training less than that. Then everyone rolled.

He walked around as these (mostly) white belts were rolling and promoted a bunch of people to Blue belt after watching each of them roll for a few seconds.

He also cut the seminar short by a full hour.

Afterward, about 30 people lined up to get an individual photo with him.

It was interesting, but I learned nothing except that a seminar with Royce is a waste of time & money --which is EXACTLY what my friends told me ahead of time.


Its a seminar about the basics. I went to few and fuck there are people there who cannot even do the somersault warm-ups correctly.

As a side note, I participated in a seminar of Royler and he was incredibly friendly and attentive. I wonder how he could be so dramatically different from his brother. He must’ve gotten all the hugs as a child.


From everything we’ve read/heard over the years, I don’t think any of them got any hugs except from maybe the housekeeper.


For what it’s worth, in the 90s I asked Renzo if Rickson was as good as everyone says. Renzo paused for a bit, not his usual state, and said quietly and firmly, “he’s perfect.”


I’ve heard Renzo speak very highly of Rickson several times.

One instance I remember was on Inside MMA. Can’t seem to find it anymore. He’s on a panel with someone who tells Renzo that he’s accomplished more and deserves to be considered better at MMA. Renzo laughs and says something like “you have no idea what you are saying”

I might be misremembering it a little, but that was the jist of it