Rickson Gracie’s memoir ‘Breathe’ spills a lot of tea

Cho was a very good TKD master and an aggressive competitor. I find it surprising Rorion beat him so easily.

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It wasn’t like today where most people are aware of how legitimate rassling is as a martial art, clinch, takedown and submit or pound wasn’t on their radar, particularly the koreans,


Just seeing this now but, what I meant by regulated was like the athletic commission being there and overseeing it-the first shows I fought in were “regulated” but there was no athletic commission around until the later ones

Good post. Appreciate the honesty. But everyone remember this is the prob with the internet. You came on here spouting that stuff as fact and if not for de_braco callin you on it and then a great discussion following, it would have been left at what you said and many would read that and think its true. Emotion seems to drive what we think is fact, when it comes to the posting on the internet. But thank you for being humble and also giving more of your great knowledge of the Gracies.

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He almost sullied the perfect and pure truth of events Helio and Rorian spread to the world.

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This thread is nostalgia at its finest.

Keep going!!!


the athletic commission doesn’t usually attend sport karate tournaments, which is how Bart’s ISFA got around the pinkos. The tournaments had all the proper permits and insurance required by the state for a “sport” karate tournament, and if some other shit happened to go down and they had one division not commonly seen, then so be it

There’s a bit of a difference between my normal factual rorion rants and captain kangaroo stating he was the original TWA black belt, which is fucking ludicrous.

Years later, I remember Cho was going to have his son Jacob fight in the early UFCs as a sort of “revenge” I guess. But Jacob really didn’t want to. Jacob is excellent at TKD, but is a smaller guy. My friend was training and helping with the kid’s classes at Cho’s during that era. Jacob, unsurprisingly, does BJJ these days as well as TKD.

–And Heel Il Cho was really amazing to watch in person back then. I watched him do his personal workout once at the Santa Monica Blvd school. It was awesome.

a lot of the first generation TKD guys were legitimate, a lot of them grew up during wartime famine and had engaged in, or witnessed mortal combat over a potato or carrot


Yes I also posted correcting him.
But come on, it’s pretty funny when we actually have to defend Rorian’s version of events lol

Me defending rorion is bizarro world

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Damn man poor Rorion walking around with his GI in a small duffle bag.


That’s basically the story i heard, it has been polished a good bit in the last 35 years. One thing i’m positive i heard is that the rorion bashing instrument was a dumbbell. Cho and company hooked up with Bart Vale in the early days of the UFC and Cho related how his #1 student, phil ameris was going to clean house, of course ameris turned down every offer, and after every time of showing the white feather, cho would write a letter to the editor explaining why they turned whatever fight at the time down, E.g: not enough money, too much money, no television, only nationwide, not worldwide ppv, too hot, too cold, sun too bright, not enough sun, phil had the screaming shits, phil was severely constipated. Phil did corner bart in extreme fighting

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That’s why I don’t post in these threads. I said what I said and I’m not going to say I didn’t. But you look like a real asshole talking like your are today when you didn’t talk that way last night. I was civil. I thought it was conversation I just didn’t realize it was with a bunch of pricks.

I wanna find out if Rickson & Carley ever squared off.Carley says that he was the Lion of the Gracie family & his best competition came from Rolls & Carlson.Carley whipped up on old man Helio & supposedly whipped Rorion 8 times.

Rickson just gives us a cryptic message saying ask Carley what happened 12 years ago.Not telling us what happened or what Gracie.

*Before someone posts the Roberto comments about Carley…I have already read them.

what did i say? Was it the captain kangaroo thing? I take it you’re new here, i’m a notorious pedantic asshole, and you shouldn’t take any of my rants personally. I’m a crotchety old bastard and every day drawing the grim reaper closer doesn’t help.

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or are you fast phil? Why’d you tell your buddy to not shake daves’ hand, man? That was bogus, and why in the hell didn’t you fight dave instead of sending that car salesman out.

I remember that guy in Bart’s corner! Didn’t know he was a big TKD guy. Maybe I read about the challenges in Black Belt or whatever but had long forgotten.

Indeed, same guy that told mike not to shake dave’s hand, then mike gets tko’d by the kick in the solar plexus, same guy corners bart and kazunari near knocks bart’s head plumb off. Moral of the story is, you don’t want that dude in your corner.