Rogan suggests Vitor USE TO BE on Steroids

Dvh10 - I'm guna put this out there I have no source or anything but I feel Bob Sapp might have been taking something Phone Post

WTF? Now you are just blatantly fighter bashing......plane and simple and there is no 2 ways about it.

All somebody has to do is watch any of Sapp's fights over the past few years. I am absolutely, positively certain that there is not a single person out there that would say that Bob Sapp is using any type of PERFORMANCE ENHANCING Drugs of anykind, no chance......unless they enhance how well he performs at acting. Phone Post

Sapp took iron supplements, with the hope it would harden up his face to withstand punches

xakx - Most of the fighters use some stuff, we all know that, tell us something we don't know.

Don't try to shit all over Vitor's name because everyone uses that shit at some point in time, most just don't get caught.
You take life to seriously Phone Post 3.0

Yea he was juicing alright. His speed back then was Phenomenal and his first loss was when Carlos Gracie even mentioned to one of my old instructors that he was indeed doing it.

Didn't Vitor admit steroid use many years ago on the Brazilian Big Brother show he was on?
I read that ages ago .... Not sure if remembering wrong.