Romo this shocked Ronda with eye malfunction (pic)

touch -
Balls Mahoney -

Is that a fuckin target tattoo on her wrist lol?

Have fun with it. Picture both tattoos as just below the back side of her knees and look at the picture again.

Sultry Crockett -

Deliverance!!!!!!!!! Phone Post 3.0

My head is still spinning from Vegas but I will be in. Phone Post 3.0

TheAlchemist -
FETT_Loadin76_TFK - 

Awwww shit LMAO
I love that he removed her teeth Phone Post 3.0

rudj - My head is still spinning from Vegas but I will be in. Phone Post 3.0

awe you were in Vegas and didn't say hi?

I don't understand why the Ronda fans take this shit so personally, it's a shoop thread, and no one is above a shoop!

But to see so many people start acting like she's their personal close friend or some shit? Get it through your heads, she isn't going to sleep with you just because you defended her for no real reason on the interwebz!

FETT_Loadin76_TFK - 
rudj - My head is still spinning from Vegas but I will be in. Phone Post 3.0

awe you were in Vegas and didn't say hi?

Whats up brother? It was a last minute trip and I couldn't get on the UG for some reason...? Next time for sure! Was hoping you would recognize the WAR MMA T-shirt on Nick Diaz' snapchat and come down to the marquee pool, lol. Nick was actually cool, he leaned in my cabana and said "thats my promotion, mother fucker". Of course, I turned in to a little bitch and started kissing his ass until he smiled. Later, we hung out and I talked at him. Nick doesn't say much....Sat night was the best, I was in the DJ booth with Tiesto, was an incredible fucking trip.
The plane is down for a couple months (getn a new motor or something), I'll be back before end of the year. Even if I have to take a chopper out to that address, we are going to meet!

chaplinshouse - 
rudj -
FETT_Loadin76_TFK - 
rudj - My head is still spinning from Vegas but I will be in. Phone Post 3.0

awe you were in Vegas and didn't say hi?

Whats up brother? It was a last minute trip and I couldn't get on the UG for some reason...? Next time for sure! Was hoping you would recognize the WAR MMA T-shirt on Nick Diaz' snapchat and come down to the marquee pool, lol. Nick was actually cool, he leaned in my cabana and said "thats my promotion, mother fucker". Of course, I turned in to a little bitch and started kissing his ass until he smiled. Later, we hung out and I talked at him. Nick doesn't say much....Sat night was the best, I was in the DJ booth with Tiesto, was an incredible fucking trip.
The plane is down for a couple months (getn a new motor or something), I'll be back before end of the year. Even if I have to take a chopper out to that address, we are going to meet!

So.... no more making anti Nick Diaz romos for you then?

Huh!?!  I live in Fresno, the OG 209! Nick and I share the same birthday too!!! We are practically brothers, lol. Honestly, Nick has always been my favorite fighter, and you know romo is how I show love. :)

How you been chaplinhouse? 

Jack_Bauer -
judonoob -
touch -

So Touch, this thread is solely for the purpose of bashing Honda? Just wanted to be clear. Phone Post 3.0

That is by far the best gif I have ever seen, bar none

This is why we don't see many fighters here anymore.


rudj - 


She's most definitely a 10, no doubt about it Phone Post 3.0

BullyKiller - 

This is why we don't see many fighters here anymore.

darn, and I blamed social media!?!

BullyKiller -

This is why we don't see many fighters here anymore.

Do you have any idea how many fighters that were on here requested romos? Even supplied source photos of themselves? Phone Post 3.0

FETT_Loadin76_TFK - 

Armo Oil is hawt!