Ronda Rousey BJJ BB?

I recently saw her wearing the Black belt with red bar and I know Judo does not have that so has she been awarded her Black belt? And by whom?

I read somewhere she's been seeing Renato Laranja...

Henry was her boyfriend for a while so I'm sure they trained a good amount. Not sure her rank Phone Post

well deserved

Doesn't she frequently throw people, and give up her back in the process?
And her back-mount escape...?

So being a 4th Dan in Judo, along with all her credentials, where would you rank her? To the best of YOUR knowledge, where does she fall? Blue, purple? If she wanted to compete in bjj, every camp would be hollering foul if she subbed one of their blues or purples. Phone Post

she would probably win her weight at worlds

How would I rank her? White, until she learned the standing self defense techniques and the ground fundementals such as never turning your back, guard recomposition, back defense, etc. Of course her judo newaza skills could cause her to tap many bjj blackbelts, just like Mark Coleman's can opener neck crank, or a sambo masters leglocks.

My friend who's a Brown trained with her and said she's not as good off her back as she is on top. He didnt talk down on her skills at all but he said you could tell she was a lot more comfortable on top. Phone Post

RearNakedToke - 

My friend who's a Brown trained with her and said she's not as good off her back as she is on top. He didnt talk down on her skills at all but he said you could tell she was a lot more comfortable on top. Phone Post

so is rodolfo vieira

being good in another grappling art =/= knowing bjj

its not about how well someone can tap someone or stop a tap. Its about knowing and becoming proficient in the BJJ curriculum. Otherwise every NCAA or olympic wrestler would/could be a BJJ BB. Ridiculous discussion IMO.

The evidence is the ease in which many of her competitors have achieved superior positions on her

Should Marcelo wear a judo bb Phone Post

FatBuddha - How would I rank her? White, until she learned the standing self defense techniques and the ground fundementals such as never turning your back, guard recomposition, back defense, etc. Of course her judo newaza skills could cause her to tap many bjj blackbelts, just like Mark Coleman's can opener neck crank, or a sambo masters leglocks.

Because BJJ Blackbelts never turtle up? I know many BJJ blackbelts that have no clue at all about standing self-defense.

Here's Ronda against some bJJ blackbelts no-gi.

gusto - she would probably win her weight at worlds

In the black belt division? You are out of your mind. She probably wouldn't win her weight at purple or brown. Girls at Mundials at that level are all BJJ in the Gi, all the time. Girls would be stupid to stand with her and no one would. Phone Post

graciesrule - I recently saw her wearing the Black belt with red bar and I know Judo does not have that so has she been awarded her Black belt? And by whom?

She may have needed a belt and that one was available. I've seen Bjj guys in plain judo belts and I didn't think "omg, he's wearing a judo belt! Who gave him judo rank!" Phone Post

Let her have a Gi match against Luanna Alzuguir or Hannette Staack. I don't think she would fare well. Phone Post

Prob purple belt level, with definitely black belt level armbars!

Forgive my ignorance, but how much guard passing gets covered in judo? Phone Post

BigEyedFish - being good in another grappling art =/= knowing bjj

its not about how well someone can tap someone or stop a tap. Its about knowing and becoming proficient in the BJJ curriculum. Otherwise every NCAA or olympic wrestler would/could be a BJJ BB. Ridiculous discussion IMO.

The evidence is the ease in which many of her competitors have achieved superior positions on her

This is really it.

If we had to create an artificial distinction between people who A) are superior at grappling and B) know the techniques of BJJ, B is the group deserving of the belt.

In reality, those who really know the techniques in BJJ should be superior at grappling but many times there are nuances such as strength or age that inhibit their ability to perform against others.

If grappling ability were the measure, then an NCAA champ could probably tap out non-competitive browns and black belts. But should he even teach a kids BJJ class? That's the slippery slope with "honorary" rankings IMO. If the NCAA wrestler teaches a mount escape by bench pressing someone off, it is different than a TKD or JJJ black belt teaching the same?

Tyson gets a BB in every striking art because he can KTFO most instructors?