Vic Darchinyan is ranked 8th in the world at 122 pounds by the Transnational Boxing Rankings Board (

From the latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

Here’s a funny story, probably certain to be denied, but there is actually video of it although for obvious reasons I don’t ever expect the video to surface. Vic Darchinyan, a pretty well known boxer of Armenian descent who has held several world titles, was in a gym with Rousey, who trains judo with a number of Armenians including Karo Parisyan and Manvel Gamburyan. Somehow, this led to him claiming that no woman could ever throw him or armbar him. So they locked up and she launched him with throws one after the other and he had no way of stopping any of them. Then they went to grapple and it was seconds before she armbarred him and his people broke it up right away for fear she could hurt him with the move.

Source (gated):


The girl is bad-ass, no doubt.

Lol@ a 122 pounder thinking he wasn't gonna get tossed AT WILL.

It is true they did have a grappling contest. She tweeted about it. But also said the Video would never see the light of day. No one ever confirmed the result. 

It was originally meant to go down some time ago but Vic had an injured neck after a boxing match. I think this happened in September.

Wow, she armbarred a 122 lb boxer.  Feed her Jimmerson next!

Beating someone smaller than you when they are playing your game doesn't seem that impressive.

lol @ badass because she beat a pro boxer in a grappling match? I'm confused.


Vic would break her jaw though lol.

In for video. Phone Post

Ain't hard to throw and armbar someone when you have done it 100,000 times. Poor on victor for his sexist manner and ego. Phone Post

Frank Gallagher - 
JOESONDO - Beating someone smaller than you when they are playing your game doesn't seem that impressive.

Just a funny story no? Phone Post

Funny? Sure. Needs video to be really funny though

This ARTIFICIAL ronda hype is really gonna make me puke already. Why don't they have a NHB match and see what happens?

Women can't beat trained me no matter what the size advantage. THis is a fucking CLOWN act..............

Haulport -

This ARTIFICIAL ronda hype is really gonna make me puke already. Why don't they have a NHB match and see what happens?

Women can't beat trained me no matter what the size advantage. THis is a fucking CLOWN act..............

What are you talking about? She got challanged and acted.

Ronda haters are so confused... Phone Post

To be fair, he fights at 122 and is small enough where he used to fight at 112. Ronda won her Olympic medal at 154.

Still, it's pretty funny because Vic definitely seems like a stereotypical Armenian hothead who has talked some shit in his day, so I can see it happening.


my god these defensive boxing fans, chill the fuck out 

DamnSevern -

my god these defensive boxing fans, chill the fuck out 

Lol seriously. Bunch of faggots. Phone Post

A flyweight-bantamweight boxer whose strength is not grappling gets ragdolled by an Olympic medallist 40 pounds heavier than him is really no surprise.
Secondly, douch move by Vic to spout off like that, whether it was male or female he was doing it to. Phone Post

Ronda is a big chick, she seemed like she would weigh 170 when I met her. It actually really surprised me that she could fight 135.

That said this is bad form all the way around. The dude would hurt her if he wanted to. Phone Post