Roy Harris BJJ seminar in WNY

Roy Harris will be coming to Rochester, NY to teach a BJJ seminar on June 5th and 6th. The topics will include taking the back mount, controlling, and finishing, plus controlling and finishing from the front mount.

Pre-registration ($130 for both days) ends June 4th. You can pay online to reserve your spot today. For more information, please go to

- Kyle


Give me an "R"!!


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Give me a "C"!

(Anyone know what the 'C' in Roy C. Harris stands for?)

"C"   (and no, I don't know what his middle name is!)

Give me an "H"!


Give me an "A"!


Give me an "R"!


Give me an "R"!

I said, give me an "R"!


Give me an "I"!
