Roy Jones on the UFC...

"Jones Jr.: I think it's wonderful. I'm a big fan. I watch a lot of it. I never really thought about getting in the cage, but I do love it. I love anybody that fights. That's just what I am. I'm a fighter and I love anybody that has the heart to go in there and face somebody one on one and fight. You got to love that, you know?

MF: Absolutely. Who's your favorite fighter right now?

Jones Jr.: Rampage is probably my favorite right now.

MF: Do you ever train with those guys?

Jones Jr.: Nah, but I like 'em."

I like Roy even more now.

I wonder sometimes if people realize how great Roy Jones was in his prime.

Cool. Definitely a better attitude than what you hear from a lot of boxers.

I'm glad he can respect what it takes to be an mma fighter.


sounds like a fan.

who are the boxers that hate on it? Oscar has given it props. Tito Trinidad has been to a number of UFCs. Hopkins said he doesn't personally like to watch it, but he respects the athletes and made an appearance with Randy Couture not long ago. Mosley is friends with Rampage and likes the sport. Vargas, Tyson, Lewis, and Hatton have all said they respect it. Mayweather popped off to get attention, but he obviously has a big enough interest in it to potentially get involved in promoting it with Cuban.

I've yet to see a boxer call out a UFC figter in the ring after a fight the way guys like Barnett, Mir, and Din Thomas have called out boxers.

Roy Jones Jr in his prime was one of my favorite fighters of all time.

Funny how Jones' prime was so short since he was knocked out by Tarver... The fight with Johnson was horrible, he got dominated.

i would have loed to have seen someone like Roy jones in mma..his speed alone would have given guys like Franklin huge problems...can you guys imagine a standup battle between franklin and Roy??LOFL...

his prime was about 10 years or long can you ask for? jones is the man, he was on espn the other night and made some comments toward mma (i forget what it was about but it was good natured)and they showed old fight clips of him vs james toney....i was just blown away because i haven't watched anything with him in such a while, that guy was so physically gifted it almost makes me wanna puke. i hope he mangles tito

Roy Jones is what Boxing should be.

A Class act through and through

"i would have loed to have seen someone like Roy jones in mma..his speed alone would have given guys like Franklin huge problems...can you guys imagine a standup battle between franklin and Roy??LOFL..."

Roy would be giving up about 15 pounds if he were in his prime (pre bulk - up for his HW forays) and would have been on his back in a couple seconds with Franklin mashing him. Poor example. Unless of course you mean Roy with the fabled 6 months of sprawl training.

Jones was 49-1 to start his career, with the only loss by DQ. That included wins over Bernard Hopkins, James Toney, Mike McCallum, Virgil Hill and Tarver. He was the Boxer of the Decade for the 1990s. Won titles in four weight classes, if I'm not mistaken. How much greater a prime do you want?

Roy Jones, in his prime, was much better at what he did than Franklin is at what he does. Let's just leave it at that.

roy jones is a fighter, and can street fight if he has to. i saw a mini doco on him. crazy fighter

roy definitely one of best pfp ever

""""Funny how Jones' prime was so short since he was knocked out by
Tarver... The fight with Johnson was horrible, he got dominated""""

You obviously havnt watched alot of boxing.

"Funny how Jones' prime was so short since he was knocked out by Tarver... The fight with Johnson was horrible, he got dominated."

Wow one of the stupidest thing I read on here in awhile and I read stupid comments by these trolls and noobs all the time. So that is saying a lot.

Before someone like Tarver came around, Roy fought and dominated everyone he faced and only time he lost was by DQ to Griffin by hitting a downed fighter, which he revenged in his next match by 1st round KO. There were absolutely nobody that could pose a threat to Roy Jones that he had to move up to heavyweight to fight which he also won against Ruiz. Roy was da man from 1988 to 2003. How many fighters or athlete do you know that were as dominating as Roy Jones was? You need to stick with TUF instead of talking about boxing.

RJJ was incredibly gifted. He made up for less than stellar technique with great speed and reflexes. As he got older he lost some of this and his technical flaws were exposed. One of the best ever no doubt.