Royce running out of challenges

Royce is the man.

For once I agree with Untappable.

Some people really do have short memories it amazes me, you really are as good as your last fight and if you don’t win then all off a sudden you are a useless, until your next win, Royce has performed well in all his matches, look at the size of the guy, you got to give him credit, he still has many fights in him yet, you got to remember he is a very young 38.

He should rematch Dan Severn

He could fight one of the top guys in his weight class in the UFC or Pride-- that would be plenty challenging for him.

Royce is my favorite BJJ fighter. I think he could fight and beat several of the fighters in the welterweight division. He is actually a welterweight not a light heavyweight anyway. Hughes, or Trigg would be a very good fight for him. Also, I think he could beat them if the rounds were considerably longer.

Royce would win.

"Who run Bartertown?"

You guys are fucking morons and should leave the sport. Seriously, I havent gotten upset over a thread in YEARS, yet here I am pissed about armchair warriors who question Royce.

The guy did it all already. During his prime he fought whoever they put before him. Now he is a family guy and a great instructor, and he still stepped up to fight Sak and Akebono, who in my opinion is still a threat because of his tremendous size.

He is making ten times the money Randy is making, yet you want him to jump through hoops and fight who YOU think he should fight. Maybe if he was in his prime and the rules were more suited to his style, but these days the sport is NOTHING like what he prepared for, and he shouldnt be held to the same standard.

Remember, the sport changed to appease the Athletic commissions and become more exciting. It was a financial decision on the part of the promoters. There is no valid combat reason for the current format, so cut the bullshit about him forcing people to fight by his rules. You guys are trying to force him to fight by yours.

If he has done it all, then why does he need to run his mouth like there is no one left to fight? It makes the fans mouth water to think of royce sak II, or royce Silva. Cleary there are plenty of people he could fight, so running his mouth like that just frustrates the fans.

He has the frank shamrock syndrome of talking like he is the best active fighter but not having a fight against real competition in years.

He could say that his days of top 10 competition are behind him and so now he is looking for novelty matches to display his skill. At least that is reasonable, because that is what he is doing. But instead he says there is nobody left to fight? That is just a stoopid arrogant comment, and he deserves to get flammed for it.

Why do people have to talk exactly the way you guys expect him to. He was fresh from a big victory and rightfully proud. So he was grandstanding a bit. The guy is the reason we are all training or watching this stuff, so cut him some slack. It is as if you expect everyone to have the humility of a buddhist monk, but in my opinion, as long as someone isn't openly trashing anyone else in public, let him enjoy his moment.

Top of what is right!

You act as if Akebono is the biggest best challenge he could find or something!

If he wants a challenge, how about a fight with Vanderlai Silva???

Oh yeah that's right, he only takes fights he knows he can win......

If he thinks there's a possibility he'll lose then he would change the rules like the Sak fight.

Andre is correct people. Akebono would kill half the fighters out there because size and strength advantage is still much more important to them then it is to Royce. That guy was freakin HUGE!

there are alot of tough fighters today but most of the guys you mentiond are 200+ Remember middle wieght in PRIDE is 200lbs

So Silva is a 200 pound fighter.. Royce is what.. 180.

I think Royce would give Silva a good fight... I mean, its no secret that Pride carries him

This is a great troll thread :)

I don't think that he would do that bad against Rampage or Silva given Yoshida's performance against Silva and the way that Royce handled Yoshida.

"Akebono would kill half the fighters out there because size and strength advantage is still much more important to them then it is to Royce. That guy was freakin HUGE!"

You got to be kidding me. Did you see his fight against Royce? He showed absolutely no skill and didnt hit Royce one fucking time. How exactly would he "kill half the fighters out there"? Falling on top of people and hoping your disgusting body will smother them will not win any fights against skilled competition. Even a 155 pounder like Genki Sudo would tap Akebono out.

The rules Royce insisted on didn't give him an advantage over Sak, quite the opposite.

"Royce is my favorite BJJ fighter. I think he could fight and beat several of the fighters in the welterweight division."

Yeah. In KOTC.

I can't think of anybody in the UFC welterweight division, or cripes, even the lightweight division, that wouldn't eat his lunch. Can you imagine Parisyan vs. Royce? St. Pierres vs. Royce? Lytle vs. Royce?

Everybody acts like that fight with Sak was such an epic battle. Newsflash: IT WAS A JOKE. A complete fucking joke. Saku took all the rules Royce whined about having and rubbed his face in them, much like you would rub a puppies face in it's own doo doo. Saku did absolutely nothing for an hour and a half. Nothing. He just defended and stalled, kinda like Royce did to everybody good he ever fought in the UFC. (and please, don't try to tell me that Royce was going from sub to sub like Nogueira against Severn and Shamrock) When he got bored, he absolutely destroyed him in one round, and still he wasn't even going all out.

had that fight been under regular rules, Saku would have either finished Royce or won the most one sided decision in history.

"Remember, the sport changed to appease the Athletic commissions and become more exciting. It was a financial decision on the part of the promoters. There is no valid combat reason for the current format, so cut the bullshit about him forcing people to fight by his rules. You guys are trying to force him to fight by yours."

No, they changed the sport to make it a legit sport. That means no gi's, no silat outfits, no kung fu outfits. This isn't bloodsport 6: the legend continues. It's a competition that's evolved past a bunch of Kung Fu and TKD instructors finding out that a high school wrestling champion with two days of boxing lessons has better hands than they do.

Royce has no problem fighting without a top in Pride against a loser like Akebono, or against an Olympic champion, who had just gotten the snot beaten out of him weeks before, that isn't going to hurt him in the worst case scenario. Why should he have a problem fighting in Nevada? Oh, right, because they won't handpick an opponent for him.

Oh, and speaking of the second Yoshida fight, I'd never laughed so hard when I finally saw that fight after hearing about how "dominant" Royce was. yeah right. Yoshida went for subs, Royce got a position and stalled so badly that Severn was somewhere crying "that's him! That's my boy! That'"

And Royler had all the class of a cold sore ridden street whore talking trash at ringside. (Made it all the more satisfying when Sudo showed him what happens to people who don't keep up with current events.)

He did the same shit in that fight that he complained everybody would do to him if he fought under current rules. Then he did next to nothing to try and win, and when he did go for a submission Yoshida defended against it 2 seconds before Royce even imagined it. Then he went around saying that he kicked Yoshida's ass. Please.

He wants a style vs. style circus attraction against another world class athlete like Yoshida and Akebono, why doesn't he fight Rulon Gardner? Oh, that's right. Because Gardner would pop him like an unsightly ass pimple.

I have the utmost respect for Royce for his early days and bringing this sport to be what it was when he left, and for being an inspiration to a lot of people, including myself. But since then, he's done shit for it. If anything, he's been bad for it. He's made every big fighter sound like somebody that's not worth his time every chance he gets and just promotes himself. Nothng wrong with that, but don't expect people to give him demigod status for it.

lol...Ive never seen ANDRE upset... this is a first.

Andre, dont shoot back at linkage bro...just let it go. U'l never change his mind....just read his post, u know u two will never meet in the middle.

"Can you imagine Parisyan vs. Royce? St. Pierres vs. Royce? Lytle vs. Royce"

Funny, i think Royce would win all 3 of those matches

Not to take anything away from Royce, he was the dominant fighter in the early years of the UFC, and had a fine performance against Yoshida recently, but speaking of a "weight advantage" for Akebono is simply idiotic. At least 200 of the guys 500 pounds work AGAINST him in a fight. The win ranks about as high as Hackney's and Takase's over Yarbough, and below Hall's at UFC 9, because his sumo was actually in decent shape (for a sumo anyway).