Royce running out of challenges

"maybe agianst somebody in the top 10 in his weight class..."

hahaha there we go!

he should do big comedy type events..

like fight half the people on this forum in 1 nite

Royce vs Bob sSapp

Royce should step up and fight anyone who is not a complete tomato can.

"During his prime"

BTW, an athlete's "prime" is usually around late 20's-mid 30's. He's in his prime now, and so is the sport.

But hey, like you said, he beat a guy with a 300 lb. weight advantage. We should all just shut the fuck up.

Pat Miletich has been saying he wants to fight Royce
for a long time now for a decent chunk of change - I
think that would be a great fight.

"Andre, dont shoot back at linkage bro...just let it go. U'l never change his mind....just read his post, u know u two will never meet in the middle."

  • Its not even worth responding to. If these guys dont get it, they dont get it. Sad.

andreh -

looks loke were gopnna have anpther very long discussion my friend -

I SO dont agree with anything you said on here - LOL

I'm with Andre.

Royce is the man.

One of the finest unarmed combat technicians on the planet IMO.

He proved he had a better way.

His job is done so STFU and let him enjoy his life.


"Royce can fight a tree for all I care."

The tree would simply stall its way to victory. Most trees are notorious clock riders---some do it for thousands of years.

Once they're taken down, though, they can be worked over on the ground. They have terrible sprawls to boot.

Here is the point:

99% of you jackasses barely take any kind of risk in your life if you can help it. I'm not only talking about fighting in a cage, but just risk in general. You just sit there and post your lame opinions about what he should do with his life.

There were no guarantees when he fought Shamrock, Severn, or Kimo, yet he stepped up. When Sakuraba was kicking everyone's ass, Royce stepped up again.

If he doesnt choose to enter the ring with every tough guy who makes a name for himself in the sport, so be it. His work is done. He proved he has tremendous skill and balls of steel. He should solely concern himself with getting the most amount of money for the least amount of work because he has nothing left to prove to anyone IMO. We will be lucky to accomplish 1% of what he has accomplished with his life, or have you forgotten that by him going out there and carrying the entire weight of his family's art on the shoulders of his 175 pound body, you and I have a sport to watch and an art to train and compete in?

I'm not going to argue it anymore. If you disagree, you might be a swell guy but on this one subject, you are out of your mind.

I would love to see Royce vs Busta. They are about the same size.

What I or anyone else accomplishes in our life has
nothing to do with the FACT that there are many people
left for him to fight and are actively trying to fight

Just because he was "the first" doesn't mean he gets
to run around and make stupid claims that there isn't
anyone left to fight. It's about as smart as neil
armstrong claiming there aren't any other moons to
land on(which he didn't).

LMMFAO @ master blaster

are you all happy now Royce has stepped up.

lol@this thread coming back from the grave to shut up the haters.