Rumor: CM Punk Announcement coming soon

Which U.Ger with 0-0 record, around 170 is willing to fight CM Punk?

Ryann Von Doom -
ViolentRites - No disrespect to Punk's skills but he's not UFC 200 co-main event worthy. Phone Post 3.0
The ratings he'll bring disagree with you. Phone Post 3.0
I'm think UFC 200 will be great even if they don't have "the best in the world" Phone Post 3.0

HandyDarsh -
TFK Bro Lo El Cuñado -

Left kick, Charlie horse. Phone Post 3.0
Right kick noticeable reddening Phone Post 3.0

2JupitersTooMany -
HandyDarsh -
TFK Bro Lo El Cuñado -

Left kick, Charlie horse. Phone Post 3.0
Right kick noticeable reddening Phone Post 3.0
Haha if you eat more then 12 of those things flush, it's GAME OVER! Phone Post 3.0

Jimmy Wrassler - When he signed with the ufc I made a thread saying he would join a major camp to get them notoriety and never fight. Still think that's what happens Phone Post 3.0
I say he joins as commentator or other on camera role for UFC.

Using him for multiple Q and A's tells me it's strong possibility.

I say he never fights and becomes a personality for 1-2 years.

It's enough to freeze Scott Coker out and Punk gets paid with little travel and then moves on. Phone Post 3.0

TFK_Vulva Fabulous - 
ufc98newb -
TFK_Vulva Fabulous - 
ArmourHotdog - My bookie told me the same thing Phone Post 3.0
Sorry for getting real, but has anybody seen lupo lately? Phone Post 3.0

This. I became worried when Bellator signed Sakara and Lupo was still nowhere to be found.
You know what I'm starting to think, right? Phone Post 3.0

I think I see what you mean...

2JupitersTooMany -
HandyDarsh -
TFK Bro Lo El Cuñado -

Left kick, Charlie horse. Phone Post 3.0
Right kick noticeable reddening Phone Post 3.0
Awesome Phone Post 3.0

Sub Phone Post 3.0

There will be at least 2 title fights on 200 so there goes your Co main bs right there Phone Post 3.0

Sources tell me Punk may fight at any of the UFC events between UFC 199-229. But I'm also hearing his shoulder is really injured and he may be out anywhere from 6-60 months. Also, he may or may not have an opponent lined up yet. He may fight orthodox or southpaw -- I'm hearing both. Hope that helps, k thanxbai.

So he'd going to fight soon or in a year and a half... Got it.

mikesepejr - He's retiring. Phone Post 3.0
Came to post this lol Phone Post 3.0

Kick Boxe - There will be at least 2 title fights on 200 so there goes your Co main bs right there Phone Post 3.0
What about an immediate title shot? Lol Phone Post 3.0

ViolentRites - No disrespect to Punk's skills but he's not UFC 200 co-main event worthy. Phone Post 3.0
I'd think they'd give him a fight on fox so they get the younger crowd to watch him get destroyed. Phone Post 3.0

UnderGround Forums >> Rumor: CM Punk is either fighting soon or he isn't

I heard they were bringing Phil Baroni in and they are going to have a ladder match. Winner faces Sonnen in his comeback for the intercontinental championship. Phone Post 3.0

MMA will have jumped the shark completely if a UFC contracted non-fighter announces his retirement from training camp.

It's like an Onion article or something.

El Ninja - Not a fan of wrasslin' but respect Brock, Lashley and that ilk for throwing down when they could just stay home and count their money.
That said, i've never really gotten a vibe that this Punk guy intends to fight. It just all seems really phoney. Phone Post 3.0
This... Another in the long line of people that have threatened to fight mma Phone Post 3.0

Mike Bispings Beautiful Hair -
WhereIsGoranReljic - He's retiring .
Well, at least he's undefeated. Phone Post 3.0
I'm undefeated in Europe! Phone Post 3.0