Rumor: CM Punk Announcement coming soon


MMA will have jumped the shark completely if a UFC contracted non-fighter announces his retirement from training camp.

It's like an Onion article or something.

UFC Hall of Fame?

giblert mendelez -
mikesepejr - He's retiring. Phone Post 3.0
Retiring from what, training camp? Phone Post 3.0
Haha perfect. Phone Post 3.0

Ill order only if he's co main event Phone Post 3.0

Keaton - That would be kinda weird having him co-main for such a big card. I feel like it would make sense for him to be the 3rd or 4th fight away from main event.

How weird would that be to see an amateur level fight right before mcgregor/Aldo ? Phone Post 3.0

This. I imagine his fight being the first PPV fight on a strong card even

This may be the worst thread I have ever seen here. I can't tell if it is a troll, a joke, a fictional piece, an "I knew a guy that knew a guy..." 15yo's story, or a wrong "truth" by a fan/not fan depending on how it reads.... Exactly what the fuck is going on here?


MMA will have jumped the shark completely if a UFC contracted non-fighter announces his retirement from training camp.

It's like an Onion article or something.

Technically he'd retire a UFC contracted fighter that is undefeated. Something Ronda can't say lol Phone Post 3.0

UG front page has an article about how Chris Leben is being talked about as CM Punk's opponent.


If true, that's kind of messed up.  I don't wish bad luck on Chris, but giving Chris a high profile fight after Chris has had so much turmoil doesn't seem right.

2JupitersTooMany - 
HandyDarsh -
TFK Bro Lo El Cuñado -

Left kick, Charlie horse. Phone Post 3.0
Right kick noticeable reddening Phone Post 3.0

LMAO! Holy shit

D241 -

UG front page has an article about how Chris Leben is being talked about as CM Punk's opponent.


If true, that's kind of messed up.  I don't wish bad luck on Chris, but giving Chris a high profile fight after Chris has had so much turmoil doesn't seem right.

I still think Chris would knock seven shades of shit out of him.

Punk's best chance is against a guy with no BJJ whatsoever, which is not Leben, and while he might not be the most technical striker in the world he is still going to be better technically than Punk and throws heavy punches.

They said all along it would be against a guy with similar experience so it'll most likely be someone we've never heard of Phone Post 3.0

Lux Fixxins -
FetusofFury -
TFK_Vulva Fabulous - 
ufc98newb -
TFK_Vulva Fabulous - 
ArmourHotdog - My bookie told me the same thing Phone Post 3.0
Sorry for getting real, but has anybody seen lupo lately? Phone Post 3.0

This. I became worried when Bellator signed Sakara and Lupo was still nowhere to be found.
You know what I'm starting to think, right? Phone Post 3.0

I think I see what you mean...
You don't think... Phone Post 3.0
Fuck man, that was a great character too. Has anybody seen him? Lupo's sn was Culinary Union Delegate the last time I saw. What was the last log in time and date? Phone Post 3.0